World Consumer Rights Day - Your Rights Also Matter!

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World Consumer Rights Day is an annual occasion all over the world. Groups that participate observe the day by promoting the rights (basic rights) that are a must for every consumer, making sure that the rights are protected and respected at all costs, and protesting about the abuses from markets if the need be. #TWN
We all consume different consumables daily without exception. As consumers, we also have rights that we need to focus on. It does not matter what we get from it, but we must be aware of our rights as consumers. This article is going to be all about consumer rights and how we, as responsible citizens, can observe the day and spread awareness. This day also holds some historical importance. We’ll cover every aspect with the hope that the article reaches those who need to know about these rights.
Can you guess when will this day be observed or celebrated?
On 15th March every year, The Consumer Movement marks the day with World Consumer Rights Day. This day aims to spread awareness to every consumer about their rights and how these rights must be respected and protected. We celebrate this day so that we can get a chance to protect our rights and needs.
World Consumer Rights Day is an annual occasion all over the world. Groups that participate observe the day by promoting the rights (basic rights) that are a must for every consumer, making sure that the rights are protected and respected at all costs, and protesting about the abuses from markets if the need be.
World Consumer Rights Day – History and Timeline
President John F. Kennedy was the man who inspired World Consumer Rights Day by sending a special statement to the US Congress on March 15, 1962, in which he clearly addressed the topic of consumer rights. He was the first world leader in the world to do such a thing. The consumer movement has commemorated the occasion for the first time in 1983, and it is now observed every year to create significant changes and spread awareness.
Every year, a special organization decides the theme for this day. This organization is called Consumers International Organization. What is this, you might wonder? It is a membership organization set up for consumer groups all around the globe. It was founded on 1st April 1960 and now stands strong with 250 members from 120 countries. Like every big organization, it also has a head office based in London. It also has some regional offices in Africa, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and Latin America.
Theme and The Significance of the day in 2022
Last year in 2021, tackling plastic pollution was chosen as a theme.
This year, the theme for 2022 World Consumers Rights Day is Fair Digital Finance.
Why this theme? Let us explain.
This year, a movement called the global advocacy movement will step up and will call for FDF for consumers globally. This movement will generate some insights that are consumer-centered and will do campaigns that will be inclusive, data protected, private, safe, and sustainable.
We all know that our marketplace is changing drastically. It has become a dynamic place with so many changes. In such a marketplace, World Consumer Rights Day will strike up the first-ever conversation at a global level. It will make a case for solutions that will bring all the consumer rights to the center and will help in a long-lasting change.
Digital technologies have shown tremendous growth. They have and are still reshaping payments, insurance, lending, and wealth management. They are becoming the key enabler for every consumer.
By 2024, just two years from now, digital banking consumers are expected to cross a range of 3.6 billion.
Between 2014 and 2017, the proportion of sending and receiving payments has increased from 57% to 70%, respectively.
About 39% of the companies have made fintech adoption a priority which highlights a developed financial landscape.
There is much strong evidence that risks have increased in recent years, and the covid pandemic is an example of that risk. Due to the economic hardships, consumers that are already vulnerable have become more fragile. That is why it is more important to come up with fair financial services and enhance the digital world.
This World Consumer Rights Day, get to know your rights as a consumer and how to fairly use digital finance for yourself.
Observing The Day
- Participating in consumer rights events.
You can join certain events that are hosted by Consumers International and learn about the rights that are needed to be addressed.
- Educating others about their rights as consumers.
We have a majority of people that have no idea that they have rights called consumer rights. You can educate them and make them aware.
- Share your anecdotes as a consumer.
You can share some of the anecdotes that happened in your life related to consumer rights on social platforms. Who knows, your story might be a guiding light for someone?
Facts About Consumer Rights
- You don’t need any lawyer in consumer court. You can represent yourself and fight the case.
- You can get all the information about a given product. No one can hide such information from you.
- You have full freedom to choose the products.
- If any unfair trading practice is observed against a consumer, the consumer has a right to seek redressal or compensation.
This World Consumer Rights Day advance towards fair digital finance and grow digitally as a consumer. Your rights are important for you to sustain in the market. Only you have the power to change the society that you want to be a part of.
If you missed the day as a consumer, then worry not we will provide you the list for the next four years about the day it will be celebrated again. Until then, stay aware and keep practicing your consumer rights. If even a single consumer is happy and exercised his rights, it will be considered a success for this day. This world consumer rights day, get your rights delivered at a fair price.
For the next four years, the day will be celebrated on –
- 2023 – March 15, Wednesday.
- 2024 – March 15, Friday.
- 2025 – March 15, Saturday.
- 2026 – March 15, Sunday.
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World Consumer Rights Day 2022 – History, Celebration, and Theme
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