What is spectrum? How 5G will Transform India?

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What is spectrum? How 5G will Transform India?
02 Sep 2022
6 min read

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Nowadays the word spectrum is being heard a lot. The question must be arising in everyone's mind that what is this spectrum, what is Telecom (DoT) Spectrum Auction and how is it related to the mobile phone network? Telecom companies need more spectrum as their customers increase. In such a situation, the government bids for spectrum, and companies buy it by bidding. Preparations for the launch of the 5G service in India are going on in full swing. The Department of Telecom (DoT) has already confirmed that 13 cities will get high-speed 5G internet services in the first phase. If we talk about cities, then in which cities 5G service will be started first? So these include Ahmedabad Bengaluru Chandigarh Chennai Delhi, Gandhinagar, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Jamnagar, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, and Pune. It is true that the picture of India will change completely after the launch of 5G. After the launch of the 5G service, the digital revolution in the country will get a new dimension. If you have no idea about spectrum, then in this article you can know in detail what is spectrum, what is 5G, and what will be the changes due to the arrival of 5G.

5G Network is coming very soon in India. Private companies have bought Spectrum from the government to start this. Many big businessmen of India have spent a lot of money only on the spectrum but what is this spectrum? Not everyone knows about this. But you must be aware of this. In India, the process of 5G service is going on very fast in India. Government and Telecom Companies are engaged in implementing this. Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav had asked service providers to be ready for the 5G launch only after issuing the Spectrum Allotment Letter. Spectrum Assignment Letter, Quartem Assignment Letter has already been issued to the Service Providers. This means that when the service providers are ready, they can start the service. Very soon we will have 5G network in our hands and with this, a lot will change in our life. You will not only have fast-running internet in your hands but with this, India will also be seeing rapid changes. So let's know today what happens with the spectrum and what will change with the arrival of 5G.

What Is Spectrum?

First of all, know what is spectrum? All of you must have heard the word spectrum related to the 5G network a lot these days. In fact, whenever a new generation of the network is brought, the network spectrum is auctioned by the government. Newspapers and TV channels inform us that it is related to the network of mobile phones. Before the arrival of 5G network, it is important for all of us to know about the spectrum. Spectrum bidding is done in crores. The common man cannot buy it, even the money of the big businessmen of the country falls short in buying it.

Do you know that the SIM of a smartphone works through radio waves? Through these waves, calls come to any phone, and the Internet runs. Network companies put up towers to transmit these waves to us. By which we get network facility.

Radio waves that are there are many, so it is decided which company will work on which radio frequency. Because only then it is easy to manage the network. Otherwise managing the network will become a very difficult task. Not all radio channels work on the same frequency but on different frequencies. Similarly, for the working of telecom companies, the government decides on different frequencies, which is called a spectrum. We come across spectrum every day, be it the TV remote, microwave oven, or sunlight. 'Spectrum' is a short form of 'Electromagnetic Spectrum".

A spectrum is the sequence of colors that a ray of light receives when it passes through a prism. Spectrum is a type of electromagnetic, it is a very short form of electromagnetic. We can call it a type of radiation energy that surrounds the earth. The main source of this Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) is the Sun. All these spectrum, which we can also call radiation, through which we are able to watch TV and radio and run mobile phones. That is, microwave and radio electromagnetic spectrums are used in all three of them mobile, satellite, and television. We can say that spectrum refers to the radio frequency on which the telecom companies are going to work. That is, the commercial use of a spectrum is decided on these things, what is the length of the wave, what is its frequency (wavelength), and how far the energy can be carried. The waves in the radio wave spectrum are very long. These are used by the telecom sector. When we talk of the spectrum, it usually means radio waves for the telecom sector.

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How Is Spectrum Auction Done?

Now know how spectrum auction is done. Actually, the Central Government first fixes a minimum price for auctioning the spectrum, and on the basis of this price, a notification is issued. After this, telecom companies are invited to this notification, and then spectrum bidding is done. Then whichever company pays the highest price, then the spectrum of that area is given to that company for a stipulated time. The government increases its income from the money received through this auction. In this way, that company provides telecom services in that area, and then in return for these services, those companies benefit from the customers.

How Does Wave Transfer Take Place In The Spectrum?

The following equipments are mainly required in the transmission of information:

  • Transmission Line
  • Transmission Antenna
  • Receiver Antenna

Such devices are installed from place to place by the government of any country. The government allows private companies to use these devices for some time, in return, the government receives money. The government wants that it should get maximum income, for this, the government conducts an auction for it. The government increases its income from the money received through this auction. The waves in the radio wave spectrum are very long. These are used by the telecom sector.

What Is 5G Technology And How Did It Expand In The Telecom Sector

If seen, along with the expansion of the telecom sector, technology has also improved rapidly. In technology development, 1G analog wireless was introduced in 1980. 2G came in the 1990s, which brought with it GSM. After this the transfer of data in 3G is fast and the network is also fine. Then came 4G in the country. Along with the good voice calling in 4G, the speed of the internet increased manifold compared to 3G. It can be understood from the fact that it used to take several hours to download a movie in 3G network but with 4G it gets downloaded in few minutes. It is clear that there has been a lot of development in the field of technology. Also, while watching videos in 4G, there is no buffering and clear videos are shown. Reliance's venture Jio directly launched 4G and made people get used to it by providing internet for free for a few months. Later other companies also had to reduce internet rates. We are living in the 4th generation of Indian mobile technology and now the era of 5G is coming.

Now the process of 5G service in India is going on very fast. The rollout of 5G services in the country is going to happen from the beginning of next month. The discussion about 5G is going on in full swing in India. The auction of 5G spectrum in the country has been completed. 5G stands for 5th Generation Network Network. 5G technology is a type of wireless connectivity, in which the electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves) is used. This is a new technology in mobile networks and it is certain that 5G networks will play a much more important role in the wireless data sector than all previous network generations. At the same time, 5G will get faster internet speed than 4G and its network will also be very good. 5G works in three bands - low band, mid and high-frequency band spectrum. The 5G network will not only provide better connectivity, but the data transmission speed will increase significantly due to the transfer of data on new radio frequencies by advanced antenna technology. This new technology will change your internet usage experience as well as make your everyday tasks much easier. The speed of 5G will be much faster than 4G, which will make it easier for users to download and share large data easily.

Which Companies Have Bought Their Stake

Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea and Adani Data Networks have bought their stake in the auction of 5G spectrum in the country. If we talk about the 5G launch date in India, then soon all the big telecom companies in the country will officially launch it. Just then people in India will start getting 5G internet with 10 times more speed than 4G internet.

Which Cities Of India Will Start 5G Services First?

Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav asked service providers to be ready for 5G launch only after issuing the spectrum allotment letter. The Department of Telecom (DoT) issued the Spectrum Assignment Letter on the same day. DoT has already confirmed that 13 cities will get high-speed 5G internet services in the first phase.

If we talk about the cities, then first 5G service will be started in these 13 cities. These include Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Jamnagar, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Pune.

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What Will Change With The Arrival Of 5G?

  • It is true that the picture of India will change completely after the launch of 5G. Because earlier when there was no 4G in India then people used to use the internet less but after the arrival of 4G the use of internet suddenly increased rapidly and now with the arrival of 5G the changes will be even more. Let us know what changes will happen with the arrival of 5G.
  • Now apart from speed, 5G is going to be useful in many other places. With this, the connectivity is also going to be very good. 5G technology will also open new avenues for driverless cars, healthcare, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cloud gaming.
  • 5G is designed in such a way that it gives 100 times more traffic than 4G network. Latency will also be seen less in 5G. In this the latency can go up to 1ms.
  • The government has prepared the complete framework for the drone business in India. With the advent of 5G network, the drone business will grow very fast. In the coming times, many tasks will be done through drones like delivery of small parcels etc.
  • After the launch of 5G service, the digital revolution in the country will get a new dimension. Robotics technology will develop and the country's economy will gain momentum. Also, e-governance will expand.
  • In this, users will get to see more net speed, less latency and more flexibility. Till now cellular technology used to focus on connectivity but 5G cellular technology will go a step ahead and connect clients directly to the cloud.
  • After the introduction of 5G mobile service, the world of mobile will change.
  •  The speed of 5G will be about 10 times more than 4G and after the start of 5G service, a new era of automation will start. With its help, you will be able to download huge files in just a few seconds.
  • Nowadays many people have started using AI (Artificial intelligence) in their homes. With the help of AI, you can turn on or off the lights of the house, turn on the fan just by speaking. Meaning that you can operate the things running on the electricity of the whole house. After the arrival of 5G, it is possible that it will be used in most of the households in India.
  •  Many things that have hitherto been limited to only big cities will reach villages. This includes e-medicine, as well as education and agriculture sector will be of great benefit.
  •  We all have seen in the Corona era how our dependence on the Internet has increased tremendously. So now 5G will help in making the life of every person better and simpler.
  • Internet-related business was also seen increasing with 4G. Many companies like Zomato, Amazon, Unacademy, Byju's etc. have made a lot of progress. Meaning many startups have progressed a lot from the Internet and have been successful. After the arrival of 5G, business related to the Internet will accelerate even more.

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