5 Low-Budget Marketing Ideas for Bootstrapped Startups

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5 Low-Budget Marketing Ideas for Bootstrapped Startups
02 Dec 2021
6 min read

Blog Post

Running a startup is no small feat. To get your idea off the ground, you need funding and more. If you’re bootstrapped, it's even more of a challenge. But with these five tips, any startup can succeed with little to no budget at all! #ThinkWithNiche

Running a startup is no small feat! To get your idea off the ground, you need to apply for funding and get your business up and kicking. Consequently, if you’re a bootstrapped startup, you have even more challenges ahead of you.
Many founders face issues such as not having enough funds and marketing ideas to market their product or service, and it can be a big challenge when running a new company. However, some low-budget marketing ideas can help new startups on tight budgets get their name out there. With these five tips, any startup can succeed with little to no budget at all!

Create a Marketing Plan

While it may seem like an obvious point, many founders forget to create a plan before starting their business. It's crucial to take the time and develop a marketing strategy for your startup.
You can use many free templates online or hire a professional to help with this part of the process. Whatever you choose, don't skip this step! Creating a marketing plan is one of the most important things you can do for your company.

Be Resourceful

No one wants to spend money they don’t have, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be resourceful.
There are tons of ways to promote your startup without spending any money at all! One way is to build a mailing list. People often forget the power behind email marketing and will pay for services such as Mailchimp, but there are some free alternatives on the market, such as Drip and Mailer Lite.
Another option is to post your startup on social media platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn. If you want more targeted exposure, try creating an ad on Facebook or Google Ads.
You could also use platforms like Product Hunt and Kickstarter to get feedback on your product and maybe even secure funding!

Leverage Social Media

The first and most inexpensive marketing idea is to leverage social media. Over 80% of adults use social media daily, and it's the best way to reach potential customers.
Create a Facebook page for your business, and make sure you post regularly on there. Even if you only share links to content that relates to your company on Facebook, people will come across it and like or comment on it.
Twitter is another social media platform that works well for businesses with tight budgets. Posting tweets about your company's latest products, updates, and events can help boost interest in your company.
LinkedIn might be an overlooked social media platform by small businesses, but LinkedIn Groups are a great way of reaching out to potential customers digitally. You can create a group for sharing information about your industry or product. As long as the group is public, people will see it and start joining!
Another important aspect of leveraging social media is creating a blog for your business where you can post helpful tips and advice related to your business. Having a blog gives you more space than just social media alone and will allow more people to find out about your business without paying anything extra!

Don't Forget About Your Network

One of your most valuable resources is often right in front of you: your family and friends. When you're asking for help, don't be afraid to promote your business too.
For example, if you have a new product or service that you want to launch, offer some early access to your family and friends. This will allow them to try out your business before it becomes public knowledge.
If they like what they see, they might even tell their friends about it! A personal endorsement from someone they trust is one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal.

Increase Visibility on Search Engines

Search engine visibility is one of the most important things any startup needs to build when running a new company.
The first thing to do when trying to increase your search engine visibility is start with your website. Optimizing the site for keywords will help people find you when they search in specific areas. You can also create content related to your industry and post it on various blogs and social media channels, which will increase your exposure across all platforms. Furthermore, by creating links between your site and other sites in the same industry, you’ll be able to increase web traffic exponentially!

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