COP28 Climate Summit 2023: Key priorities and expectations of major players

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COP28 Climate Summit 2023: Key priorities and expectations of major players
30 Nov 2023
4 min read

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Amidst the pressing urgency to combat climate change, the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is poised to convene in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2024.

This pivotal assembly, a convergence of world leaders, policymakers, businesses, and civil society, stands as a beacon of hope in the battle against the escalating climate crisis.

COP28 represents far more than a mere global conference; it embodies an opportunity—a profound platform to reassess, reinvigorate, and recalibrate strategies essential to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Set against the backdrop of escalating environmental challenges, this summit promises to wield substantial influence, charting a course that demands decisive action and unwavering commitment from nations across the globe.

In this comprehensive overview, we navigate through the significant facets that define COP28's importance, spotlighting key priorities, anticipated outcomes, and the spectrum of participants shaping this critical event.

From reiterating commitments to the Paris Agreement to amplifying discussions on energy transition, climate finance, and adaptation measures, this summit stands poised to steer the global community towards a sustainable future.

Join us as we delve into the intricacies of COP28, unraveling its multifaceted agenda and exploring the expectations of major stakeholders.

This summit holds the promise of a transformative journey towards a greener, more resilient future—a journey that necessitates collective determination, innovative solutions, and resolute action from all corners of the globe.

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2023. The summit will bring together world leaders, policymakers, businesses, and civil society to discuss and address the urgent challenges of climate change.

COP28 Climate Summit 2023: Key priorities and expectations of major players

What is COP28: The Annual Global Climate Summit

COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2023. This annual global gathering serves as a crucial platform for nations to assess progress in addressing climate change and take decisive action to mitigate its impacts.

Significance of COP28

COP28 holds immense significance in the global climate action landscape. It provides a unique opportunity for countries to:

  • Reiterate their commitment to the Paris Agreement: The Paris Agreement, adopted at COP21 in 2015, sets ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global warming. COP28 will serve as a crucial checkpoint to evaluate progress towards these goals.

  • Accelerate climate action: COP28 will provide a platform for nations to announce new and enhanced climate action plans. These plans should outline concrete steps to reduce emissions, adapt to climate impacts, and support vulnerable communities.

  • Mobilize climate finance: COP28 will address the critical issue of climate finance, ensuring that adequate resources are available to developing countries for climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Key Priorities for COP28

COP28 will focus on four key priorities:

  • Fast-tracking the energy transition: Accelerating the shift away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources is essential to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change.

  • Transforming climate finance: Ensuring that developing countries have access to sufficient and accessible climate finance is crucial for their transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • Adapting to climate impacts: Helping vulnerable communities adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events, is essential to protect lives and livelihoods.

  • Addressing loss and damage: Providing financial support to developing countries that are already experiencing the impacts of climate change and helping them to recover from climate disasters is critical for climate justice.

Expected Outcomes of COP28

COP28 is expected to deliver concrete outcomes, including:

  • Ambitious emissions reduction targets: Countries are expected to set more ambitious targets for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement goals.

  • Enhanced climate finance commitments: Developed countries are expected to pledge increased financial support to developing countries for climate action.

  • Concrete adaptation plans: Countries are expected to develop and implement comprehensive adaptation plans to address the impacts of climate change.

  • Progress on loss and damage: The international community is expected to make significant progress on addressing loss and damage, including establishing a financing mechanism.

COP28 is a critical juncture in the global fight against climate change. The success of the summit will depend on the willingness of all parties to work together, make ambitious commitments, and take concrete action to address this shared challenge.

COP28: Who's In, Who's Out

COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), will bring together world leaders, policymakers, businesses, and civil society to address the pressing issue of climate change. While the summit is expected to attract a wide range of participants, there are some notable absences and inclusions that have garnered attention.

Notable Absences of COP28:

  • US President Joe Biden: Despite previously attending COP26 and COP27, President Biden will not be present at COP28. This decision has been met with mixed reactions, with some expressing disappointment and others understanding the potential scheduling conflicts.

Notable Attendances COP28:

  • King Charles III: A staunch advocate for environmental causes, King Charles III will deliver the opening address at COP28. His presence is expected to highlight the importance of environmental protection and the role of royalty in addressing climate change.

  • Pope Francis: In a historic first for any pontiff, Pope Francis will attend COP28. His visit underscores the Vatican's commitment to environmental issues and the need for global cooperation in tackling climate change.

Representation of Fossil Fuel Interests:

The presence of representatives from fossil fuel companies at COP28 has raised concerns among climate activists. While some argue that engagement with these industries is necessary for a just transition, others fear that fossil fuel interests may influence climate policy decisions.

Role of Climate Activists and Civil Society:

Climate activists and members of civil society play a crucial role at COP28, holding governments accountable and amplifying the voices of those affected by climate change. Their presence ensures that the summit focuses on the needs of communities and the urgency of climate action.

Overall, COP28 brings together a diverse group of stakeholders with varying perspectives on climate change. While the summit is expected to produce significant outcomes, the representation of different interests will undoubtedly shape the discussions and decisions.

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COP28 Agenda: Fast-Tracking Renewables, Climate Finance, and Adaptation

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is set to address critical issues related to climate change, including the transition to renewable energy, climate finance, and adaptation measures. The summit's agenda, largely shaped by the host nation's president, Sultan Al-Jaber, focuses on four key priorities:

  1. Accelerating the Energy Transition: Rapidly shifting away from fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy sources is crucial to mitigate climate change. COP28 aims to promote this transition by setting ambitious targets for renewable energy deployment.

  2. Ensuring Equitable Climate Finance: Wealthier, high-emitting countries must provide adequate financial support to low-income, developing countries that are disproportionately affected by climate change. COP28 will seek to establish robust climate finance mechanisms to address this disparity.

  3. Protecting People, Livelihoods, and Nature: Climate change poses significant threats to human well-being and the natural environment. COP28 will focus on developing strategies to protect vulnerable communities, preserve livelihoods, and safeguard ecosystems.

  4. Fostering Inclusive Participation: COP28 strives to be the most inclusive UN climate summit to date, ensuring that the voices of all stakeholders, including indigenous groups and civil society organizations, are heard and considered.

Key Issues for Discussion at COP28

COP28 is expected to address several contentious issues that have hindered progress in previous climate conferences:

  1. Fossil Fuel Phase-Out: The debate over phasing out fossil fuels versus allowing new projects is likely to resurface at COP28. A strong commitment to phasing out fossil fuels would be a significant step forward.

  2. Loss and Damage Financing: The establishment of a loss and damage financing mechanism, agreed upon at COP27, remains a critical issue. COP28 will need to finalize the details of this mechanism to ensure adequate funding for vulnerable countries.

  3. Ambitious Renewable Energy Targets: COP28 aims to triple renewable energy targets to over 11,000 gigawatts by 2030. While there is widespread support for renewables, some countries may resist an agreement that excludes fossil fuel phase-out plans.

Navigating Complex Negotiations

Reaching consensus on these issues will be a daunting task for COP28 president Sultan Al-Jaber. He must skillfully manage negotiations between diverse nations, prevent discussions from derailing, and keep key players engaged.

A successful COP28 could lead to a transformative commitment to move away from fossil fuels, accelerate the transition to renewable energy, and build a cleaner, safer, and greener future for all.

Perspectives of Major Players at COP28

Fast-Developing Countries' Push for Equity and Increased Financing

A bloc of fast-developing countries, including Brazil, South Africa, India, and China, is seeking increased climate financing and a more equitable approach to climate action, adhering to the UNFCCC principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities."

This principle recognizes that while all nations have a responsibility to address climate change, developed countries bear a greater historical responsibility for emissions and should provide more assistance to developing nations.

Within this bloc, differing opinions highlight the challenges of reaching consensus. India's proposal to include oil and gas in a coal phase-down deal has faced resistance from other members.

China's Dual Role as a Leading Emitter and Renewable Energy Pioneer

China occupies a unique position at COP28, simultaneously leading in both renewable energy capacity and coal consumption. As the world's largest emitter, responsible for around 30% of global emissions, China faces significant climate change impacts. However, it also stands as a leader in renewable energy deployment.

During negotiations, China emphasizes the responsibility of developed nations, particularly the United States, to take the lead in climate policy and finance. Despite its economic progress, China maintains its status as a developing nation in climate discussions.

US's Focus on Green Initiatives and Climate Finance

The United States, the world's second-largest emitter, arrives at COP28 amidst the implementation of its Inflation Reduction Act, which includes a substantial subsidy package for electric vehicles and green products. The Act aims to triple the country's clean energy capacity by 2030.

The US supports a deal to phase out CO2-emitting fossil fuels but faces scrutiny for its stance on climate finance. The US advocates for a new climate finance fund without mandatory contributions, while developing nations seek more concrete commitments.

European Union's Ambitious Climate Goals

The European Union, known for its ambitious climate goals, aims to triple renewable energy capacity, phase out fossil fuels, and transition to renewable-powered electricity grids by the 2030s. However, disagreements arise over the climate damage fund, with the EU seeking contributions from major economies like China, which opposes this approach.

UK's Alignment with the EU and Policy Questions

Despite leaving the EU, the UK has aligned its climate goals with the bloc, emphasizing the phasing out of fossil fuels and the expansion of renewable energy. However, recent policy decisions, such as the approval of oil and gas exploration licenses, raise questions about the UK's commitment to its climate targets.

The perspectives and actions of these major players will significantly impact the outcomes of COP28 and the global trajectory towards addressing climate change.

Developing Countries:

  • Developing countries are expected to present their plans for adapting to the impacts of climate change and addressing loss and damage.

  • They are also expected to call for more climate finance and technology from developed countries.


  • Businesses are expected to make ambitious commitments to reduce their emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • They are also expected to develop innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change.

Civil Society:

  • Civil society is expected to hold governments and businesses accountable for their commitments to climate action.

  • They are also expected to call for more ambitious climate action and a just transition to a low-carbon economy.


Shaping Tomorrow: Embracing Collective Responsibility

As the curtains draw on the discourse and deliberations of COP28, the echoes of determination, collaboration, and shared responsibility reverberate across nations. This summit, a milestone in the global fight against climate change, has laid the groundwork for transformative action and collective commitment towards a sustainable future.

COP28 has been more than a gathering of nations—it's been a testament to the unwavering resolve of leaders, policymakers, businesses, and civil society to address the pressing challenges of our time.

The discussions centered around fast-tracking the energy transition, equitable climate finance, adaptation strategies, and the crucial facets of loss and damage have illuminated the pathways toward a more resilient and inclusive world.

Yet, the success of COP28 lies not merely in the resolutions penned or commitments made within its confines. It rests in the earnest implementation of these decisions, in the concrete actions taken by each participant beyond the summit halls.

It hinges on the translation of promises into tangible initiatives that mitigate climate risks, uplift vulnerable communities, and forge a sustainable legacy for generations to come.

As the world emerges from COP28, it stands at a crossroads—a juncture where decisive action and steadfast dedication are imperative. Each nation, each entity, and every individual holds a stake in this collective endeavor towards a greener, safer planet.

The urgency to act has never been clearer, and the need for collaborative, innovative solutions has never been more pronounced.

Let us carry forth the spirit of COP28—a spirit steeped in cooperation, innovation, and resilience. Let us weave sustainability into the fabric of our societies, businesses, policies, and personal choices.

Together, we can traverse this path, transforming challenges into opportunities, and charting a course toward a future where the aspirations of COP28 become the reality of our world.

The journey towards a sustainable tomorrow begins now, and it starts with each one of us, united in our commitment to safeguarding our planet and securing a brighter future for generations to come.

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