Different Restaurant Menu Board Design Ideas

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Different Restaurant Menu Board Design Ideas
16 Mar 2023
5 min read

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As a restaurant owner, attracting customers must be your priority, and for that, you need a first-hand design. A restaurant is all about food. So, a menu list is a must. You need to be more innovative and creative while thinking about the designs.

The greatest place to start when designing your menu boards is with a strong marketing plan that is consistent across your entire brand. This will allow you to better coordinate all of the associated actions as you create content. The following ideas will help you to concrete your thought. Read on to explore Different Restaurant Menu Board Design Ideas. 

Figuring out how to attract new customers is the part that frustrates most business owners. What attracts them first is their appearance. A unique, modest look always attracts the customer. The same logic applies to restaurants also. The very important thing the owner must know is about the digital Menu board design.

Why, exactly, do the Menu Boards play an important role?

Although there are so many menu board design online ideas available, always keep in mind that your menu board is more than just a sign on your wall. It can be a powerful marketing tool.

Often, it is one of the first elements that new customers will engage with upon entering your eatery. Hence, your restaurant board design can be the Knight who can win you the battle of attracting customers. Here are a few ideas that you can use to create your own menu board.

Menu Board Design Ideas

1. Digital Menu Board Design

Digital tools are the first choice for every business. We are now in the 21st century, the world of the internet and digitalization. The same goes for the menu boards also. The digital menu board can be a very cost-effective and eco-friendly idea.

These are electronic signs that are a beautiful, sophisticated method to attract customers to purchase more items. They can include both static still images and video footage that rotates and changes on its own.

The finest versions allow you to customize your presentation and make quick modifications using a user-friendly content management platform.

Many businesses utilize digital menu boards to improve customer experience and generate income.

2. Indoor Menu Boards

Restaurants must be attractively designed from indoors also. For the menu board, you can think about the indoor kind of idea. For such menu boards, the most beautiful, attractive, and trendy idea can be a menu list with a wall painting.

These are preprinted, personalized signs designed for prominent display in your restaurant.

Magnetic boards with changeable menu strips and price chips are available as options for optimum flexibility. Metal, plastic, or wood can be used to trim boards.

A backlit menu board sign with an LED or fluorescent lamp lit to make your colour food photographs really shine is another eye-catching element.

3. Chalkboard Menu Boards

It is a very common type of menu board yet, with a very decent look. Using chalks and blackboard can be a very simple yet modest idea for menu boards. You can change the menus day to day and also can draw something using chalk and duster. You can build beautiful menu signage with chalkboard. There are numerous solutions available, ranging from DIY where you simply list your things to engaging a graphic artist for an unique sign.

4. Regular Menu Boards

Most simple menu boards consist of a large rectangular structure that displays images of popular dishes and a simple list of the foods served. It is often used by many small restaurants. It is very inexpensive. The menu lists with some food items images can be added there.

5. Menu Board With Cartoon Chefs

This type of menu board looks very attractive. Cartoon chefs are holding delicious food items in their hands, and the food lists are there in it. It is quite a nice idea to apply.

6. Fruits And Food Shaped Menu Boards

Apart from cartoon chefs, this is also a very appealing menu board idea. If you own a bakery shop, you can create a cake-shaped board with lots of cakes items on it. Same for the pizza shops or the cocktails shops. Pizza or bottle-shaped menu boards can also be used.

7. Wooden Board With Ancient Look

This type of board has a weighty impression. Using wooden materials, shaping some kind of maple leaf or some historical ancient type of looks always becomes very demanding and high profile.

8. Banner Boards

 A banner is also known as a regular menu board. Hanging a poster-type banner with food lists and some pictures adding to it. It is very simple and very cost-effective.

9. Paper Scroll Boards

The paper scroll can also be a good idea. It can’t be listed in a unique board idea group, it is quite common, but it looks very decent. You can use wood or waterproof paper for such menu boards.

10. Transparent Menu

 It is a very unique and trendy menu board idea, a rustic glass board type. The background can be transparent as clear glass, while it looks like the food lists are floating. It is a very trendy and very attractive board design.

Now that you know the importance of menu board design, use the above-mentioned ideas to create an effective digital menu board that amplifies your business growth. Better yet, you can create your own menu board that complements your brand!

Once your plan is in place, consider the following  suggestions as you gather information for your design process:

1. Use Takeovers To Draw Attention To Special Promotions

A key advantage of employing digital menu signs instead of static boards is the ability to animate your boards and capture your consumers' attention. Consider implementing a 10-second full digital takeover where all boards suddenly display content for the designated item if you want to feature a special promotion or limited-time offer (LTO).

Customers in line who are undecided about what to buy may be enticed by a takeover with colourful visuals and even sounds (sizzling, bubbling, or clinking) to purchase the highlighted item. When deployed correctly, digital menu boards can convince one in every five customers (20% or more) to purchase LTO items.

2. Should Your Digital Menu Play Music Or Sounds?

Every few minutes, it can be a lovely touch to have your menu play relaxing music or perhaps a narration greeting customers to your company.

Audio is a hidden marketing technique. Why? Because it is impossible to "unhear" something. With a menu, customers' eyes can dart all over the place, avoiding your most profitable items and combinations.

However, if a narrator says, "How does a large juicy cheeseburger combination meal sound right about now?" your clients will undoubtedly pay attention.

Not all digital menu boards are capable of playing audio. You'll need screens with built-in speakers and audio-capable digital signage software.

Also Read: Top Graphic Design Trends For 2022

3. How Many Displays Should Your Menu Have?

Having additional displays obviously costs more money. However, in this case, it is wise not to be penny wise and pound foolish.
Remember when we talked about "menu real estate"?

You want to create a digital menu that is simple to read and understand for your customers. One of the easiest methods to accomplish this is to ensure that you have adequate screen space to accommodate your complete menu.

Inquire with your display vendor about return policies. That way, if you don't need that extra screen when designing and testing your menu, you can always return it.

4. Use Rich Media Such As Animated GIFS And High-Definition Video.

Digital menu boards were designed with movement, light, and entertainment in mind. You'd be doing them a disservice if you didn't incorporate animation to help them out. At least one board in your restaurant should be dedicated to showing high-definition video or photographs.

Rich media can capture up to ten times more eye contact than static boards alone when used to advertise your most profitable menu items. As a result, your restaurant's revenue increases

5. How Frequently Should Your Menu Board Be Updated?

Updating your menu board may confuse your present consumers. If goods or sections relocate, they may become frustrated if they are no longer conveniently accessible.

The only reason you should change your menu board is for:

  • Take into account updated pricing.
  • To compare a fresh design to an older one.

You might have a sudden burst of inventiveness in the middle of the night, prompting you to remodel your menu. Unfortunately, this is a risky move that might harm sales and, more importantly, profits.


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