Why is Diwali an Auspicious Time for Financial Decisions?

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Why is Diwali an Auspicious Time for Financial Decisions?
30 Oct 2023
5 min read

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Diwali, a festival known by various names like Deepavali or the Festival of Lights, is not just a date on the calendar for the people of India; it's a cultural and spiritual milestone.

This grand celebration resonates with individuals of all ages and backgrounds, bringing families and communities together in a symphony of light, color, and festivity. It is a time-honored tradition that transcends religious and regional boundaries, signifying the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and hope over despair.

But Diwali is not limited to its profound spiritual and cultural roots; it extends its influence to another crucial aspect of life – finance. This festival is renowned for being an immensely auspicious time for financial decisions and planning.

It's a period when financial prudence, wealth management, and investment strategies take center stage alongside the lighting of lamps and the exchange of gifts.

Families and individuals view Diwali as a strategic opportunity to assess their financial health, make wise investment choices, and seek blessings from deities associated with prosperity.

In this article, we will delve into the various reasons that make Diwali a propitious juncture for financial decision-making.

From the spiritual significance that underlines financial renewal to the practical aspects of investments and wealth management, Diwali weaves together tradition and financial wisdom, making it an extraordinary time for individuals to illuminate their financial pathways.

Diwali, the festival of lights, is not only a time for vibrant celebrations but also holds a unique significance in the realm of financial decisions. This ancient festival, celebrated by millions of people worldwide, is associated with prosperity and the triumph of light over darkness.

The essence of Diwali goes beyond its cultural and religious aspects; it extends to the realm of wealth management and financial choices. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why Diwali is considered an auspicious time for making important financial decisions.

Why is Diwali an Auspicious Time for Financial Decisions

Diwali is associated with Goddess Lakshmi :

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, holds a special place in the hearts of millions. Beyond its resplendent displays of lamps and the jubilant spirit that engulfs communities, Diwali is deeply entwined with spiritual and cultural significance. One of the most prominent aspects of this festival is the veneration of Goddess Lakshmi.

Goddess Lakshmi, revered as the Hindu deity of wealth and prosperity, is at the heart of Diwali celebrations. During this auspicious festival, devotees fervently seek her blessings. It is firmly believed that Goddess Lakshmi bestows her divine grace upon those who embark on financial endeavors and make significant monetary decisions during Diwali.

The connection between Diwali and Goddess Lakshmi is profound. Her presence during the festival symbolizes the influx of wealth, abundance, and financial well-being. Families and individuals open their homes and hearts to welcome her, often illuminating their dwellings with lamps and diyas to guide her way.

This divine association infuses a sense of divine guidance and auspiciousness into financial choices made during Diwali. It is believed that with her blessings, financial decisions are not only more likely to succeed but also to flourish, paving the way for prosperity and economic growth.

The Spiritual Connection:

Diwali, with its radiant celebrations and the illumination of countless lamps, represents far more than a mere festival. At its very core, it embodies profound spiritual values that go beyond the surface-level revelry. The essence of Diwali is the triumph of good over evil, the victory of light over darkness, and the renewal of hope and positivity.

This spiritual underpinning of Diwali is not confined to the realm of religion alone. It extends its luminous influence to the financial decisions and aspirations of individuals. The festival's spiritual theme resonates deeply with the financial challenges that people face in their lives. In essence, Diwali serves as a beacon of light that guides individuals through the labyrinth of their monetary goals.

When individuals embark on financial decisions during Diwali, they are not merely making choices based on material gain; they are drawing from the festival's spiritual reservoir of positivity and optimism. It is a time when the pursuit of financial well-being is not seen as a purely materialistic endeavor but as a path towards greater clarity, stability, and prosperity.

The act of making financial decisions during Diwali becomes an act of aligning one's monetary pursuits with the festival's central theme – the triumph of light. It symbolizes the endeavor to dispel the darkness of financial challenges and replace it with the radiance of fiscal clarity. In this way, Diwali's spiritual essence infuses the world of finance with a renewed sense of purpose and positivity, encouraging individuals to overcome their monetary obstacles and move towards greater financial well-being.

Diwali and the Hindu New Year: A Time for Fresh Beginnings

Diwali, often referred to as the Festival of Lights, carries a dual significance for Hindus. Not only is it a time for grand celebrations and spiritual reflection, but it also marks the commencement of the Hindu New Year. This transition from the old to the new year brings with it a sense of renewal and rejuvenation, both on a spiritual and material level.

As the Hindu New Year dawns, it brings the promise of new beginnings and fresh opportunities. It's a moment in time when the past is left behind, and a blank canvas for the future is laid out. This transition symbolizes the shedding of old baggage and the embracing of new aspirations, making it an ideal juncture for setting financial goals and crafting plans for the future.

For many, the advent of the Hindu New Year is synonymous with a financial reset. It's a time to take stock of one's financial standing, assess past successes and setbacks, and chart a course for the upcoming year. Whether it's creating a budget, initiating new investments, or embarking on entrepreneurial ventures, the Hindu New Year serves as a motivating force for individuals to make financial decisions that align with their long-term objectives.

The belief that the energy of this auspicious time can infuse one's financial pursuits with positive outcomes adds to the allure of making financial plans during Diwali. It's a time when resolutions are made, goals are set, and financial road maps are drawn, with the hope that the forthcoming year will be marked by prosperity and abundance.

The Tradition of Cleaning and Renovation: A Symbolic Financial Fresh Start

A hallmark of Diwali celebrations is the meticulous cleaning and renovation of homes and workplaces. Yet, this tradition goes far beyond the realm of mere physical cleanliness; it holds a significant place in the financial domain as well. During this time-honored practice, individuals don't just sweep away the dust and clutter in their living spaces; they also embark on a financial spring cleaning of sorts.

The act of cleaning and renovation serves as a symbolic fresh start for one's financial journey. Just as homes are given a pristine makeover, individuals use this juncture to assess their financial situation, review their investments, and make necessary adjustments. This tradition is a poignant reminder that financial well-being, like a clean and well-kept home, requires regular attention and maintenance.

Here's how this tradition extends into the financial realm:

  • Assessing Financial Health: Much like decluttering a room, Diwali prompts individuals to declutter their financial landscape. It's a time to take stock of one's monetary assets, liabilities, and overall financial health. This introspection allows for a clearer understanding of one's financial standing.

  • Reviewing Investments: Diwali is an ideal occasion to review existing investments. Individuals assess the performance of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other assets. This review aids in identifying under performing investments that may need to be realigned or replaced for better financial growth.

  • Setting Financial Goals: The process of cleaning and renovation serves as an inspiration for setting new financial objectives. Individuals may establish savings goals, debt reduction targets, or investment aspirations. This goal-setting during Diwali is akin to giving the financial house a new and purposeful structure.

  • Making Necessary Adjustments: The act of cleaning and organizing often unveils areas that need improvement. In the financial context, this translates to making necessary adjustments. It may involve restructuring investment portfolios, diversifying assets, or revising budgetary plans.

Much like the sparkling and rejuvenated homes during Diwali, the financial cleaning and renovation process offers a sense of renewal and optimism. It reinforces the idea that financial well-being is a continuous journey that benefits from regular evaluation and thoughtful adjustments. This tradition's parallel in the financial world underscores the holistic approach to prosperity during Diwali.

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The Exchange of Gifts and Shared Prosperity:

Diwali, a festival of light and togetherness, is not complete without the heartwarming tradition of exchanging gifts. While the exchange of gifts during Diwali embodies sentiments of love and well-wishing, it carries an equally significant financial aspect. This act of giving and receiving gifts serves as a powerful symbol of shared prosperity and financial unity.

Here's how the exchange of gifts during Diwali intersects with the realm of finance:

  • Sharing Financial Blessings: Diwali is an occasion where people exchange not just material gifts but also financial blessings. It's common for elders to gift money to younger family members as a token of prosperity and good fortune. This financial exchange represents a desire for the recipient's financial well-being.

  • Investment Advice and Knowledge: In the spirit of sharing prosperity, Diwali often becomes a platform for exchanging investment advice and financial wisdom. Family members, especially those with expertise in financial matters, offer guidance and insights to help others make informed financial decisions.

  • Fostering Financial Security: The act of giving and receiving gifts during Diwali cultivates a sense of financial security within the community. It symbolizes a collective commitment to support one another in their financial endeavors, creating a safety net for times of economic challenges.

  • Mutual Financial Growth: Diwali gifts are not just about individuals; they represent the broader concept of collective financial growth. The act of giving during this festival reflects a shared aspiration for financial prosperity, not only for oneself but for the entire community.

  • Symbol of Unity: Diwali gifts, whether in the form of money, financial instruments, or investment insights, symbolize unity in financial pursuits. They reinforce the notion that, as a community or family, everyone's financial success is interlinked and that by uplifting one another, the entire group prospers.

Auspicious Investments During Diwali:

Diwali, the festival of lights and prosperity, is more than just a time of illumination and celebration; it's also regarded as an auspicious window for embarking on new financial ventures and making significant investment decisions. This tradition is deeply rooted in the belief that financial actions undertaken during Diwali are destined to bring success, abundance, and enduring prosperity. It's a time when individuals view the celestial alignment as a green light to take calculated financial risks and set the stage for financial growth.

Here's a deeper exploration of why Diwali is considered the perfect occasion for auspicious investments:

  • Starting New Businesses: Diwali sets the stage for entrepreneurs to launch new businesses or ventures with a sense of divine favor. The blessings of Goddess Lakshmi are believed to shine upon these nascent endeavors, enhancing their likelihood of success. The festival instills the spirit of entrepreneurship, motivating individuals to take their innovative ideas and turn them into flourishing enterprises.

  • Investing in Tangible Assets: Property, gold, and stocks take the center stage during Diwali as individuals see it as an opportune moment to invest in these assets. The conviction is that such investments during this period have a higher chance of appreciating in value, securing financial stability and growth.

  • Calculated Financial Risks: Diwali encourages individuals to embrace calculated financial risks. It's a time when the stars align for those who seek to diversify their investment portfolios, explore new market opportunities, or initiate financial strategies that might involve some level of risk. The belief is that these risks, when taken during Diwali, are more likely to yield favorable outcomes.

  • Long-Term Financial Planning: Diwali inspires long-term financial planning. It's the ideal juncture to reevaluate financial goals, realign investment strategies, and create a roadmap for future financial success. Families and individuals take this opportunity to set their financial compass for the year ahead.

  • Economic Renewal: The festival embodies the spirit of renewal, and this extends to economic facets. Diwali is a time to rejuvenate one's financial well-being, to discard financial practices that no longer serve, and to embrace new and more prosperous ones.

Wealth Deities and Prayers

Diwali is a time for prayer and devotion to various wealth deities, such as Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha. These deities are associated with wealth, fortune, and wisdom. By seeking their blessings during Diwali, individuals hope to receive guidance and blessings for their financial endeavors.

Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune. She is often depicted sitting on a lotus, with a pot of gold coins in her hand. She is also known as the goddess of beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness.

On Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped with great devotion. People clean their homes and businesses to welcome her, and they decorate with lights, flowers, and rangoli. They also offer her food, sweets, and other gifts.

Simple prayer to Goddess Lakshmi :

"Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha"

This mantra means: "I bow to the auspicious Goddess Lakshmi."

The mantra in question derives its name from the revered Hindu deity, Goddess Lakshmi, who holds a prominent place in Hindu mythology as the Goddess symbolizing Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance. The Lakshmi Mantra is chanted with the purpose of gaining clarity regarding one's aspirations and to aid in the realization of those aspirations. This particular mantra is also commonly referred to as the Money Mantra.

Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is the Hindu god of wisdom, knowledge, and prosperity. He is also known as the remover of obstacles.

On Diwali, Lord Ganesha is worshipped first, before Goddess Lakshmi. This is because it is believed that he will remove any obstacles that may stand in the way of one's financial success.

Simple prayer to Lord Ganesha:

"Om Gam Ganapataye Namah"

This mantra means: "I bow to the auspicious Lord Ganesha."

Other Wealth Deities

In addition to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha, there are a number of other wealth deities that are worshipped during Diwali. These include:

  • Kubera: The god of wealth and prosperity

  • Dhanvantari: The god of health and medicine

  • Chitragupta: The god of accounts and destiny

  • Kuberan: The god of bankers and merchants

  • Saraswati: The goddess of knowledge and learning

How to Pray to the Wealth Deities During Diwali

Ways to pray to the wealth deities during Diwali.

Here is a simple ritual:

  1. Cleanse yourself by taking a bath or shower.

  2. Put on clean, comfortable clothes.

  3. Set up an altar in your home or business.

  4. Place images or statues of the wealth deities on your altar.

  5. Offer them food, sweets, and other gifts.

  6. Light a lamp or candle in front of each deity.

  7. Chant the mantras of the wealth deities.

  8. Meditate on the wealth deities and visualize yourself receiving their blessings.

  9. Thank the wealth deities for their blessings.

You can also pray to the wealth deities in your own words. Simply express your devotion to them and ask for their guidance and blessings for your financial endeavors.

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Diwali: The Festival of Accounting

Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, also marks the end of the financial year in India. This alignment with the government's fiscal calendar makes it a practical time for businesses and individuals to close their financial books, evaluate their financial health, and plan for the upcoming year. It's a time for reflection and strategic financial planning.

Why is Diwali a good time for accounting?

There are several reasons why Diwali is a good time for accounting:

  • It is the end of the financial year. This means that all financial transactions for the year have been completed and recorded. This makes it easier to close the books and reconcile all accounts.

  • It is a time of new beginnings. Diwali is a time to celebrate new beginnings and fresh starts. This is reflected in the Hindu New Year, which begins on Diwali. This makes it a good time to set new financial goals and make plans for the future.

  • It is a time of prosperity and abundance. Diwali is associated with wealth and prosperity. This makes it a good time to review your financial situation and make sure that you are on track to achieve your financial goals.

What are some accounting tasks that can be done during Diwali?

Here are some accounting tasks that can be done during Diwali:

  • Close the financial books for the year. This involves reconciling all accounts and ensuring that all financial transactions have been recorded accurately.

  • Prepare annual financial statements. This includes the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. These statements provide a snapshot of the business's financial health and performance for the year.

  • Evaluate financial performance. Once the financial statements have been prepared, it is important to evaluate the business's financial performance. This includes analyzing key financial metrics, such as profitability, liquidity, and solvency.

  • Identify areas for improvement. Based on the evaluation of financial performance, areas for improvement can be identified. This could include developing new strategies to increase profitability, reduce costs, or improve cash flow.

  • Develop a budget for the upcoming year. Once the areas for improvement have been identified, a budget for the upcoming year can be developed. This budget should reflect the business's financial goals and objectives for the year.

Benefits of doing accounting during Diwali

There are several benefits to doing accounting during Diwali:

  • It can help to improve financial performance. By regularly reviewing financial performance, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to improve their financial health.

  • It can help to make better financial decisions. By having a good understanding of their financial situation, businesses can make better financial decisions, such as how to invest resources, allocate expenses, and manage debt.

  • It can help to comply with tax regulations. Businesses are required to comply with a variety of tax regulations. By doing accounting regularly, businesses can ensure that they are meeting all of their tax obligations.

  • It can help to attract investors and lenders. Investors and lenders are more likely to invest in businesses that have a good understanding of their financial situation and are well-managed. By doing accounting regularly, businesses can demonstrate their financial stability and creditworthiness to potential investors and lenders.

Specific Reasons Why Diwali Is Auspicious for Financial Decisions:

  • Investing in New Businesses or Ventures:

    • Diwali holds a profound connection with new beginnings. It is widely believed that commencing a new business or venturing into uncharted entrepreneurial territory during this festival is highly auspicious. The underlying belief is that Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, bestows her blessings upon new enterprises initiated during Diwali.

    • Example: An aspiring entrepreneur launching a startup during Diwali is said to receive divine guidance and blessings from Goddess Lakshmi, increasing the likelihood of success. This belief encourages individuals to take the entrepreneurial plunge during this auspicious time.

  • Investing in Assets:

    • Diwali serves as a favorable period for investing in tangible assets, including property, gold, and stocks. The prevalent belief is that these investments made during Diwali are more likely to appreciate in value over time, ensuring financial growth and security.

    • Example: Many individuals choose to purchase gold jewelry or coins during Diwali as an investment. The anticipation is that the value of gold will increase, thus making it a sound financial decision.

  • Repaying Debts:

    • Diwali is an opportune time to settle outstanding debts. It is widely held that discharging financial obligations during this period paves the way for financial prosperity and alleviates the burden of indebtedness.

    • Example: A person who has borrowed money or has unpaid loans may choose to clear these debts during Diwali, with the belief that this act will lead to improved financial stability and peace of mind.

  • Making New Financial Plans:

    • Diwali inspires individuals to assess their financial situations and devise new financial plans. This may encompass setting fresh financial objectives, formulating budgets, or exploring innovative investment opportunities.

    • Example: A family might use Diwali as an occasion to review their financial goals and create a structured budget for the upcoming year, ensuring that their monetary resources are allocated efficiently.

These practices are deeply rooted in tradition and faith, with the belief that the blessings and positive energy of Diwali amplify the chances of financial success. The festival provides a cultural and spiritual backdrop that encourages individuals to make informed and strategic financial decisions, ultimately contributing to their economic well-being and prosperity.


In conclusion, Diwali is not just a time for lighting lamps and revelry; it's a festival deeply intertwined with the fabric of financial decisions. The spiritual connection, tradition of renewal, and the symbolism of prosperity make it an auspicious period for managing wealth and seeking financial growth.

Whether it's investing in opportunities or assessing one's financial well-being, Diwali offers a unique backdrop for financial decisions that align with the festival's essence of light and prosperity. Embracing these financial traditions during Diwali can set a positive and prosperous tone for the year ahead.


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