What The Pandemic has Taught Us

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The COVID-19 pandemic altered our lives in many ways, from our morning routines to our life goals and aspirations. Many people believe that the world has altered permanently. However, if the vaccines succeed in reducing infections and keeping variations at bay this year, life may return to some kind of normalcy. What will we learn from the previous year at that point? Are there any silver linings or valuable lessons to be learned? For example, the bubonic plague plagued Europe in the Middle Ages, reappearing on occasion, but once under control, people began to forget about it. #TWN
From the standpoint of public health or infectious disease, it's critical to recall and acknowledge our history. It is a period we must remember. However, spring is approaching, and we are, for the most part, through our worst moments – making this a good time to take a deep breath and analyze the changes that have transpired. While no one would be disappointed if the pandemic could be suddenly erased, it has been the crucible of our lives for a year, and we have much to learn from it — and even more to gain.
The Importance of Self-Sufficiency
When it came to a lockdown and seizing control of our own homes, Pandemic was a real eye-opener. We recognized how reliant we've always been on those who care for us, our homes, and our health. We realized how much we took our domestic help for granted, from cleaning the house to washing laundry and dishes. Coronavirus did indeed bring the world to its knees, but it also taught us the importance of empathy, which goes a long way. We've learned some abilities and are more autonomous than we've ever been after more than a year of being cooped up at home.
No Stronger Institution Than Family
Another realization in the previous year and a half has been the importance of our family in our lives. During this terrifying period, many people remained alone and told their stories about how difficult it is to live thousands of miles away from home, constantly fearing for their safety and that of their loved ones. Those that stayed at home talked about their relationships with their families. Some used their cooking talents, while some assisted with various household tasks, and others played board games. The one thing they all agreed on was that the epidemic made them less socially isolated since they were able to reconnect with loved ones and relatives.
The Secret To Happiness Is To Look For It In The Small Things
Nobody knew when their lives would be turned upside down, and they'd be stranded for months. We were so preoccupied with the big occurrences that we didn't see the small ones. Those who lost their sense of taste and smell as a result of COVID-19 revealed how much they enjoyed their home-cooked meals once they recovered. How they appreciated sharing a room with their family and bonding over games, and how a tough workout never felt better. These are the small pleasures that we took for granted a year ago but now look forward to every day. It's past time for us to thank them and be thankful for what we have.
The Most Important Thing Is Your Mental Health
Humans are social animals who seek emotional comfort and support from one another. Over 30 million people in India suffer from mental illness. We were all put on heavy lockdown as the Coronavirus hit India like a tidal wave. Isolation, social distance, work from home, online classes, and a lack of physical interaction are all factors that hinder physical interaction. While that is the urgent need of the hour, it is also critical to maintain contact with loved ones during these trying times. Eating well and exercising regularly can increase serotonin levels and make you feel energized. Another way we may protect our minds is to avoid consuming bogus news. We may lift one other by sharing positive information and keeping the spirit upbeat during difficult times.
Kindness Can Go A Long Way
When it comes to mental health, it's important to remember that our actions and words can affect someone's mood and state of mind. We never know what someone is going through. Therefore, we should treat everyone with respect. Complimenting someone, assisting the elderly, fetching groceries for a sick neighbor, or simply publishing reliable information on social media can all save lives! This pandemic has caused irritation and anger; yet, if we can do our part to promote joy, we will feel more tranquil. Counting your blessings and being appreciative can assist you to relax. We were really lucky to see the healing of our planet. There is a silver lining to every cloud. As humans returned to our houses, wildlife began to return to theirs without fear of being killed. We witnessed a large number of flamingos returning to lakes in Mumbai.
After decades of fog, the Himalayan mountain ranges were visible from villages and towns in Punjab as the skies cleared. Dolphins have been observed off the coast of Mumbai, sparrows and other migratory birds have returned to Delhi, and the number of tigers and lions has increased dramatically. Not only that, but due to low pollution, the air quality index in places such as Delhi and Mumbai was kept under control, allowing residents to breathe clean air. The most essential lesson learned from the pandemic is to trust nature and not take it for granted. Our planet is all we have; we cannot abuse it any farther than we already have. It's past time for us to change our ways and adopt a more sustainable one. Scientists and laypeople alike discovered that a virus can be more powerful than they are. It was obvious how the understanding of the virus evolved over the last year as scientific research into it progressed. We've seen that these pathogens must be taken seriously. You must respect the unknown and science while also attempting to give scientists the benefit of the doubt.
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