7 Last-Minute Tips To Crack UPSC IAS Prelims

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7 Last-Minute Tips To Crack UPSC IAS Prelims
22 Nov 2021
7 min read

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Walking, going to the gym, running, or even a simple physical task will have your mind acquired by the thought of your Prelims. No matter what you do, you will keep thinking about the exam that is right around the corner. In such situations, last-minute tips will help you feel confident and relaxed when the time comes. #ThinkWithNiche

As the IAS exam approaches, students' worry and stress levels are increasing. Because it's no secret that this exam has a high degree of competition, everyone tries their hardest to pass it. Many applicants lament that, although having a solid understanding of the subject, they did not write the answers accurately owing to strain and stress. It occurs! You're not the only one who feels this way. Last-minute recommendations from experts and IAS toppers have been offered for every IAS applicant to achieve a decent grade in the upcoming IAS Prelims examination.

Don’t Open the Book, Revise from Self-prepared Notes

It takes a special kind of creativity to edit a 600-page book at the eleventh hour. Wise students prepare self-notes in advance of tests so that they can get aid at the last minute. Use the notes you took for the revision to revise your subject. You won't be able to finish the book, and it won't help. That is why your professors emphasize the importance of taking notes. Also, while updating the syllabus, but the most significant topics first, followed by the next most important topics based on the grading scheme.

Don’t Rush to Write the Answers, Read the Questions Carefully

You've probably noticed that 'Read the questions carefully' is printed at the top of the question paper. This is vital information! Before attempting to write the answers, students must read the questions attentively and completely. Paper setters may ask straightforward questions in a way that will confuse you. You can do this by practicing prior year's question papers or taking a practice test.

Keep Balance between Speed and Accuracy

Accuracy and speed go hand in hand. Don't get nervous and make blunders throughout the exam. Instead, be cautious and maintain the proper mix of speed and accuracy. Even if supplied quickly, a bad answer is meaningless, and a correct answer is equally worthless if delivered over the required time frame. Students must provide the correct answer in the allotted time. The only way to achieve that is to practice fake tests more and more.

Good Food, Good Exams

It is critical to have a healthy, well-balanced diet to alleviate stress. Students should eat a nutritious breakfast to help them focus on their tests. According to studies, pupils who eat breakfast every day can study for longer periods than those who do not. It is an excellent idea to substitute apples and juice for junk and fast foods like chips, pizza, and French fries. Experts also recommend adding roughage.

Sleep Well

You've probably heard of Insomnia. It's a sleep disorder that's particularly common among students throughout exams. It is suggested that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. If the problem persists, you should consult a physician.

Time Management

It is impractical to study for hours on end without taking a break. As a result, you should take a one-hour rest every hour. Students should figure out when they can focus the most, as some people prefer to study at night while others prefer to study in the morning. For difficult courses, you might study in groups with pals.

Play Games and Improve your Mental Health

On the Android and Apple App stores, there are a plethora of mental game apps to download. Install these and play for at least 15 minutes every day. You can work on math problems, cognitive games, and word puzzles, among other things. This boosts self-assurance and positivity while reducing stress.


Don't get caught up in prior results! Instead, concentrate on the upcoming tests. Determine your weak spots and work diligently to turn threats into opportunities. Choose a study location where you will be able to concentrate and avoid distractions. Continue to revise every day rather than putting it off until the last few days before the tests.

We understand how difficult it is to manage the stress of studying for the ever-daunting IAS exam! Therefore, we have got everything for you under one roof. Click here to know everything regarding the Civil Services Examination.