4 Pointers Creating a Fantastic Product Description for eCommerce Websites

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4 Pointers Creating a Fantastic Product Description for eCommerce Websites
30 Dec 2021
5 min read

Blog Post

Customers should be able to get all of the information they require while still wanting to click "purchase" or add the goods to their cart. But how can you achieve a balance between a detailed product description and one that is also persuasive? We have an answer. Read on to find out! #ThinkWithNiche

A product description is a piece of writing that explains what a product is and why it should be purchased by potential customers. To put it another way, it's the piece of information that persuades and converts a new customer.

Potential clients should be able to fully comprehend the characteristics and benefits they will receive after purchasing your goods after reading the description.

To put it another way, before you try to sell something to a consumer, you need to talk to them and figure out exactly what their problems are.

When you write any advertising without first interacting with your customers, you're more likely to write something that simply explains the product.

It is a blunder we've seen even seasoned marketers and copywriters make.

Why is this the case

After that, consider the following reasons why you should have a product description:

Conversion Rates

Customers require sufficient information about a product before making an online purchase.

It's not enough to persuade a stranger to trust that the product will assist them to get out of their current circumstance if they don't have enough knowledge.

According to a survey conducted by the Nielsen Norman Group, incorrect product descriptions account for 20% of purchase failures. Price, shipping charges, product availability, product specs (e.g., color, size), and product features, among other things, should all be included in your product description.

Instead of having links connect to different pages where customers may or may not find the essential information they are looking for, all of the aforementioned information needs to be in one location.

Increases the Visibility of a Website in Search Engines

It will be easier for potential purchasers to find your products if you include the proper keywords in your product descriptions.

However, employing product descriptions to improve a website's search engine visibility raises a tricky question:

Is there a systematic way to use keywords, and how do you identify the proper ones?

Purchase decisions are not made by search engines. People do it all the time. Your products will not be used by search engines. That is something that only people are capable of. And when it's good people, it'll be suitable for search engines 99 percent of the time.

Keyword stuffing is another thing to avoid when optimizing your product descriptions for search engines. Injecting a keyword into your product pages repeatedly will not help you rank. It's preferable to have it:

  • Once you've entered the URL for your product page.
  • Mention it once in the title of your product description.
  • In the product description, mention the keyword twice (depending on the length of the material).
  • It should only be used once in the alt image tag.

Improve the Customer Experience

Let's face it: when a potential consumer visits your website in search of a specific product, they're likely to have a few queries.

  • How long will this product take to arrive?
  • Do they come in a variety of colors?
  • Do they come in various sizes?
  • Even if you're selling something as simple as a t-shirt, customers may want to know about the sizes, colors, and shipping alternatives.

Customers are more likely to quit your site and never return if you don't provide that precise information. Worse yet, they may never trust your website again.

How to Write Sales Oriented Product Descriptions

You only have a few seconds to impress a potential consumer when they land on one of your product pages. What are you going to do with those few precious seconds?

Easy Make Use Of Powerful Words

In other words, your product description is what will determine whether they remain or leave.

When it comes to writing persuasive product descriptions, consider the following suggestions:

Consider Your Intended Audience

A good product description, like any other marketing endeavor, begins with a knowledge of your target audience. There's no way to know what information to add or leave out in your product description if you don't know who your target audience is. It's impossible to target everyone.

When you understand your buyer persona, you'll be able to employ phrases that your target audience will understand. Using some of their own words in your copy is much better.

The type of phrases you employ will, of course, be determined by the age group of your target audience. To an older audience, you wouldn't want to use phrases like "dope, light, flex" to describe your product.

Don't Limit Yourself to Discussing Your Company

It is not appropriate to include your company in the product description. However, it is unquestionably the place to explain how your solution will answer their difficulties. All you have to do is set the stage for your buyers to see themselves utilizing your goods.

Let's say you're selling webcams to professionals, and you want your buyers to see themselves utilizing the camera in a virtual meeting. This visual experience can be created with images and movies.

Storytelling Will Captivate Audience

When creating a blog post, telling a story is quite simple. When it comes to product descriptions, though, things are a little more complicated.

That is, however, exactly what you must-do if you want to persuade a stranger to buy from you.

Let's imagine you're in the business of selling bed mattresses and blankets. Everyone understands that a mattress makes sleeping more comfortable and that blankets keep you warm. If you only mention it in your product description, you'll have a hard time convincing buyers to buy.


After all, a solid product description should truly depict your value proposition. Because your product description is part of your marketing text, it's only natural to repeat your added value there. After the day, you want your customers to understand the value of your product.

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