Achievement Success And Individualism

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Achievement Success And Individualism
10 Nov 2021
7 min read

Blog Post

Learn about individualism, achievement, and success through our blog. #ThinkWithNiche

This Blog describes two significant qualities in American culture, including achievement, success, and individualism. The implications of understanding the social ancient times of execution esteems are examined. Individualistic culture gives social status to personal achievements such as important discoveries, innovations, and great artistic achievements. 
Collectivism focuses on the group goals, the welfare of the collective, and the personal relationships of the groups, and an individualist are motivated by personal rewards and benefits. Behaviors at school, work, and play are based on shared values, people strive to do the best for themselves, and there is no all-or-nothing game. What prevents Americans from taking the lead is their unwavering loyalty to individualism, the belief that the best society is one in which individuals are free to pursue their private satisfaction, and other thought patterns that emphasize individual achievement and self-realization, according to the authors.
This existing mentality has created a lot of momentum in American society because it believes that there is always the possibility that things could be better, that's the way Americans live and work and the way they receive financial rewards and consequences for attaining higher status are based on being the best in what they do. 

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Research shows that working-class people prioritize values such as loyalty, humility, and interdependence while upper-class values (universities and businesses) tend to prioritize individuality, self-expression, and influence. In higher education, for example, working-class students (students whose parents do not have four-year degrees) report that they want to help their families and give back to their communities as they face college stress, pave their path, and explore personal passions. 
Mismatches between the cultural ideals of institutional independence and the intertwined norms common to working-class individuals diminish their chances of success. Cultural discrepancies are associated with lower school grades. The negative consequences of cultural discrepancies do not dissipate when students attend college and continue after graduation.
In collectivist cultures, the ideal of individual freedom of choice is freer, more valued, and less concerned with personal responsibility for outcomes. People in individualistic cultures are allowed and encouraged to make decisions based on what they can do independently, while those in collectivist cultures are likely to expect priority to be given to them for the benefit of the group.
Global comparative studies have shown that world cultures differ to the extent that they emphasize individual autonomy, freedom of initiative (an individualist trait), conformity to group norms, and the maintenance of a tradition of adherence to group authority (a collectivist trait). Culturally oriented individualism, which attaches importance to being able to work independently without being part of a group, is the second culture that values this ability. For example, it is a culture more oriented towards collectivism than individualism. 
Our first cultural value dimension is individualism versus collectivism. Individualism, in contrast to totalitarianism and collectivism, is a spectrum of social behavior that extends from individualistic societies to mixed societies and collectivist ones. Knowing the basics of collectivism and individualism constructs can help you to recognize, understand and anticipate the attitudes of different kinds of cultures. 
These two opposing value systems differ in their relative emphasis on independence and how success is perceived from an individual and group perspective (Hofstede, 1997). According to Henslin, values are defined as "a code of values that individuals and groups consider desirable" (2010). Values serve as a guide to life that integrates you into certain societies and enables you to live a good life among others. 
Collectivist cultures tend to teach the whole group and permit students to learn from each other while other individualistic societies tend to concentrate on the individual. In a simple theoretical framework, we find that ceteris paribus, collectivism increases coordination capacity and leads to greater efficiency in the economy, while individualism in individualistic cultures leads to greater innovation because individuals do not receive financial rewards for innovation, while social status rewards individuals for providing more work for innovative activities. As educators, we recognize the impact of individualism and collectivism on the dimensions of academic achievement. 
In collaboration with Gorodnichenko and Roland, we examine a broad range of other cultural measures and conclude that there is a significant and robust effect of growth on cultural dimensions, regardless of the split between individualism and collectivism. As though, it is other cultural dimensions that correlate with the individualism that influence innovation and production per worker. 
Similar people with the same cultural background display large differences in behavior based on their formal school level and socioeconomic status, with higher educational achievement and socioeconomic status associated with greater individualism. Differences in cultural orientation correspond to differences in the importance attached to performance and the representation of success. 
To this end, in response to the quantitative assessments, US citizens discussed the importance of achieving goals and assessing performance as appreciated by the Danes. Being successful is not only a great motivator in American society, but it is also capable of demonstrating its success. Many American evaluation systems rely on precise targets for American employees to show how well they are doing their job. 


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