6 Important B2B Opportunities To Boost Your Website

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6 Important B2B Opportunities To Boost Your Website
06 Oct 2021
7 min read

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Every business should know how to optimize its website to retain its position in the market. A well-optimized website can bring a lot of business. Learn about 6 important ways for website optimization.#ThinkWithNiche

Today when everything is going digital, most business houses have also come up with their own websites to promote and grow their business. A website helps a business helps business to grow on a wider scale. But just having the website is not enough, it is important to keep it updated as your business grows. Optimizing your website is the number one rule of an online business. It means to improve the performance of your website in a way that it gains more attraction. According to your business objective, once you launch your website, you must keep optimizing it. Whether your objective is to increase sales or resolve customers’ queries or get more leads, website optimization is the key.

Why Optimize Your Website?

The major reason why Website optimization is important is to help your visitor have a smooth experience. It’s as simple as that. Every visitor goes to a website with a certain need. Website optimization aims to meet the particular needs of customers. There can be several reasons why a person would visit a website. It can be to get the answers to certain questions, to check out your products and services, or to buy something. Website optimization helps visitors achieve all these tasks without much fuss. It gives them access to your services 24X7.

There are countless articles on the internet, lecturing people on website optimization but most of them don't address the most obvious optimization opportunities. So we have prepared a comprehensive list of 6 b2b opportunities to successfully optimize your website to gain more traffic. The list contains proven optimization methods so go through each of them carefully and try to implement it accordingly. 

1. Removing Your Website’s Side Menus From Some Pages

The top priority when creating a website is to highlight the brand and easily show visitors the way to whatever their objective may be. But many surveys reveal that using a lighter version of your website may end up increasing your signups. To achieve this what you can do is to use a lighter version of the navigation bar. The major psychology behind this is that the lesser pages your website has, the more free-flowing and easy your visitor will feel. This will help you to make your visitors do what you want them to do. 

2. Remove The ‘Contact Us' Page

Everyone likes to believe that the ' Contact Us ' page is some sort of holy grail without which a website is incomplete. It often gets a whole page on the website, often at the expense of other important pages. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that most visitors never open the ‘ Contact Us ’ page and thus it is an unnecessary addition to your website. There are many important pages that you can easily include in its place. The better option would be to simply mention your email address or desk number at the top of your website. It would save your website some space. 

3. A/B Test Your Pricing Page

Reports suggest that more than half of site visitors who go for B2B services often end up at the pricing page before going for the home page and other pages on the website. But despite this, businesses often test their home page and landing pages viciously rather than testing their pricing page. This results in sites often having a substandard or basic pricing page which could potentially turn off a lot of visitors. So make sure to A/B test your pricing page. 

4. Use Two Calls to Action Side-By-Side

Deciding on just one call to action for your website can be tricky. Suppose you want your visitor to sign up, but would also want them to take a tour. Therefore it’s always wise to use two main calls to action rather than just one. In a recent survey, the results showed that the websites having two main calls to action fared better and saw an increase in clicks as compared to the websites having just one. Mostly these two calls to action should be, a ‘Sign Up’ option and a ‘Take a tour’ option for newbies. 

5. Layout And Timing of Popups

Popups are great to increase the number of leads on your website. However, the timing and size of a popup could be a potential game-changer for your website. The size of a popup will decide how the visitor will interact with it. So you’ll have to decide whether they’ll take up the whole screen or just a part of it. Surveys suggest that full-scale popup fares better compared to a small-sized popup. As for the timing, it is much better if your popup appears after a visitor has spent 15-30 seconds on your website. 

6. Build A More Aggressive Blog

A lot of websites like to hide their brand plug-ins and marketing on their blog, fearing that it will irk the visitor. While there is a certain amount of truth in it, hiding your brand marketing on your blog will not lead to future conversions. So banners and small dialogue boxes will help your website to gain more visitors rather than not including them in your blog. But here too you will have to find ways to push your brand without coming off as super-aggressive. It’s a fine line but if you can walk it properly, it can work wonders for your website. 

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