The Sparkling Journey of DeBeers Diamonds

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The Sparkling Journey of DeBeers Diamonds
11 Jan 2022
7 min read

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Diamonds, the dazzling gems, are every girl's best friend! We yearn to get a diamond in our kitty! So in this blog, let us talk about DeBeers Diamonds, one of the topmost diamond brands around the world, and their beautiful journey from the mines to its patrons! #ThinkWithNiche

Diamonds, the name itself, brings a bright shine of desire to our eyes! These luminous gems are the quintessence of everything elegant, extraordinary, and enigmatic! A diamond is the hardest material, but it ignites the most delicate of feelings in each one of us, a feeling of love, care, affection, desire, and passion. Whether it is the dazzling drop for the neck or shimmering danglers for the ears or a mesmerizing sparkle for the finger, diamonds are a girl's best friend! It is her dream gift on Birthdays, Anniversaries, or Weddings, and how can we forget that magical proposal moment? It leaves a forever mark of joy in the heart! Yes, you are right. We are talking about the Forevermark Diamond from DeBeers, one of the most reputed Diamond brands in the world. 

DeBeers Diamonds: The Company!

Founded in 1888, the DeBeers Group is one of the oldest and reputed diamond brands. Headquartered in London, England, UK, it is an international corporation specializing in diamond mining, exploitation, retailing, and trading. Do we ever think a minute about the procedure before adorning ourselves with these fascinating gems? The long path it covers to reach our fingers? But DeBeers made it simple! Where did this unique name come from? DeBeers sounds like Beer, isn't it? But Beer and Diamonds, we think? Beer intoxicates and Diamonds? Well, Diamonds also are intoxicating, perhaps more intoxicating, if we think about the captivating beauty! As the famous poet of Beauty, Keats said, "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever!" We stay dazed in the love of that glittering gem.

DeBeers: The Beginning of Promise!

However, this is fantasy. The fact is that DeBeers, the name is the surname of two Dutch settler brothers named Diederik Arnoldus DeBeer and Johannes Nicolaas DeBeer. They discovered a diamond on their South African farm. When the British government came to know about it, they forced them to sell their land to a merchant named Alfred Johnson Ebden. Therefore, their farm 'Vooruitzicht' became the site for the two flourishing diamond mines. One of them was the famous 'Big Hole’, and the other was named the 'DeBeers’ Mine!

Then Cecil Rhodes came into the picture! He was a British mining tycoon and a politician who became the Prime Minister of Cape County in South Africa. He began his career by renting water pumps to the miners during the Diamond Rush in 1869. During this time, an 83.5 Carat worth diamond, called the 'Star of South Africa' was discovered in Hopetown. He invested the profits into a mining company, and gradually DeBeers Consolidated Mines came into life in 1888. In the initial stages, DeBeers had a monopoly in diamond distribution. 

The Promise of Forevermark Diamonds

Launched in 2008, each Forevermark Diamond carries an inscription of promise. This inscription is a mark of its authenticity. As written on the website, "Each Forevermark diamond is inscribed with a promise: that it is beautiful, rare, and responsibly sourced!" The inscription carries a hologram with a unique identification number. This identification number is visible in the shining reflection of the diamond. It also signifies that only selected diamonds qualify for the 'Forevermark' range. No wonder, when it comes to love, we only remember the Forevermark!

DeBeers Forevermark: The Journey!

DeBeers Forevermark Diamonds are the choicest brand of people globally! They are trustworthy and come with a promise of authenticity. They go through several rounds of tests and screenings before being put for presentation. The gemologists of DeBeers are well versed with advanced techniques and expertise in the 133 years old legacy of these precious gems. So here we present the journey of these invaluable Diamonds:

Carefully Selected 

DeBeers Forevermark Diamond have their centers in as many as 35 countries. The diamonds are selected very carefully from the mines located in Botswana, South Africa, Canada, and Namibia. Thereafter, the experts separate the precious diamonds from the lesser gems and our invaluable diamonds move forward in the screening leaving behind the lesser ones. 

Advanced Technique of Analysis 

According to DeBeers, their Institutes located in Surat (India), Antwerp (Belgium), and Maidenhead in the UK, use state-of-the-art equipment for diamond analysis. Their Research group analyzes each diamond specifically for accuracy, consistency, and integrity. They minutely check every diamond on their standards of excellence. 

The 17 Step Evaluation

Next, Forevermark Diamond has to go through infinite processes of rigorous stages of screening. In this procedure, the graders of the brand make maximum use of the state-of-the-art equipment they have developed in these years. It includes color machines the trademark detection equipment like Diamond Sure, Diamond Plus, and Diamond View. The experts see to it that each diamond is tested on the scale of flawlessness. 

The Criteria of the 4Cs 

Once brought, we fall in love with our prized possessions. But do we know that no diamond is the same? Like every individual, every diamond differs based on the famous 4Cs - 

  • Cut
  • Color 
  • Clarity
  • Carat weight 

The quality of a Forevermark diamond is dependent on the 4Cs. The brand tells us that they evaluate every diamond as much as five times to reach the level of perfection. The graders also test each stone to confirm that it is natural and has not been dealt with anything artificial. 

Eligibility for the Forevermark Club

The diamonds have to go through rigorous checks to be eligible for the Forevermark club. Only 1% diamonds are selected to earn the Forevermark inscription. This exclusive range is for the exclusive group of consumers who are the pride of DeBeers as a DeBeers Forevermark diamond is a matter of pride for them!

The Grand Forevermark Inscription 

Wow! So here we get a glittering Forevermark Diamond! When a diamond successfully passes the test of excellence, the grader personally checks the diamond and gives his approval by submitting a grading report. After this, every diamond is marked with a tastefully designed hologram, along with a Unique Identification Number. It is in the heart of the diamond, which you can see in the grading certificate also.  

The Grading Report 

The Grading report is the perfect reflection of the diamond. It further illustrates the special assurance of exclusivity promised by the brand. It also showcases the marvelous and rare features of the diamond. You get this grading report in the form of a grading certificate. The inclusion of the Hologram and the Unique Identification Number is a reassurance by the brand that the Forevermark diamond is genuine and your friend for life!


Indeed, a DeBeers Forevermark Diamond is a friend for life. It is a Forevermark that ignites the heart with gleaming rays of joy! You cannot help falling in love with this precious jewel, and now you know it has to go through how many checks to reside in your heart! So, feel the love and make it yours forever!

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