5 Financial Success Tips From VLCC Founder Vandana Luthra

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5 Financial Success Tips From VLCC Founder Vandana Luthra
11 Nov 2021
6 min read

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Luthra launched her company in India at a time when women were discouraged from starting businesses. She did, however, have enough confidence in herself to confront criticism. She believes that women are capable of accomplishing anything they set their minds to. Things have changed now, and the government is delighted to assist women in growing and becoming businesses. She claims that the Indian government is committed to assisting women in their development as entrepreneurs. #ThinkWithNiche

Vandana Luthra is a popular Indian healthcare entrepreneur. She is the founder of VLCC Health Care Ltd. and the chairperson of the Beauty and Wellness Sector Skill and Council (B&WSS). In 13 countries, including South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, and East Africa, the organization has 326 locations in 153 cities. The industry's 4000 employees include medical professionals, dietitians, physiotherapists, cosmetologists, and beauty specialists. Let’s take a look at Vandana Luthra’s Tips for Financial Success:

Have an invincible spirit

While this may appear to be a philosophical remark, Luthra actually believes that this contributes to financial success. When you have a dream, it is critical not to give up. To achieve success, Luthra once observed that one must have an indomitable spirit. You can achieve anything if you develop this mindset. Your body, mind, and spirit will all work together to propel you forward. While you may face setbacks, your determination will see you through. Having this internal willpower can also assist you in avoiding emotional business decisions. To attain financial freedom and success, you'll need boundless energy and self-determination.
Be independent

Luthra is a firm believer in becoming self-sufficient. She once stated that she needed money when she first started with VLCC. Her in-laws were unsupportive, but her husband was eager to financially assist her. But rather than relying on others, she chose to take out a bank loan. Today, the company is well-established all over the world, with a healthy profit margin. When it comes to financial success, independence is key. You get to choose your terms and conditions and give your company your personality. While your creativity is crucial, so is your financial independence.
 Learn people management

People management, according to Luthra, is critical for a company's success. Because businesses are always about people, mastering this talent is much more important. While some people are born with this ability, many others must learn it. However, if you can communicate well and manage people well, everything gets much easier. Luthra's brand is built on the idea of making people feel good about themselves. No matter what your business is about, if you focus on making people feel good about your organization, you will naturally attract investment and customers.

Commit to your vision

If there's one thing Luthra has learned so far, it's that your brand should reflect your company's basic principles. Building a brand will require years of hard work, devotion, and commitment. If you sincerely believe in your vision, don't give up. Keep your vision in mind at all times, and you don't lose sight of your goal. Only by sticking to your vision can you achieve financial success.
Always research

According to Luthra, research is critical to the growth of your company. Only by staying on top of current trends and customer needs can you achieve financial success. Her company has a global presence, and she travels around the world regularly to keep up with shifting demands and needs. Customer satisfaction is the only method to recruit new clients and expand your existing clientele.


Vandana Luthra is one of the most successful businesswomen of our time. Many people have been inspired by her life. One thing I learned from her was the importance of being financially self-sufficient and always aiming for success.


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