Vitaliy Yuzhilin: Port Builder and ex-Deputy of the State Duma

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Vitaliy Yuzhilin: Port Builder and ex-Deputy of the State Duma
16 Jan 2024
5 min read

Blog Post

Embarking on a journey that intertwines maritime expertise, legislative leadership, and technological innovation, Vitaliy Yuzhilin emerges as a pivotal figure in the realm of port development and management.

A reformer and seasoned top-level manager, Yuzhilin has left an indelible mark on the port industry, earning recognition for his contributions.

Founder of the National Container Company, Yuzhilin's multifaceted career spans entrepreneurship, parliamentary service, and industry association leadership.

This blog post delves into the life and accomplishments of Vitaliy Yuzhilin, tracing his professional trajectory from the inception of the National Container Company to his role as a Deputy in the State Duma.

Beyond legislative endeavors, Yuzhilin's impact extends to his role as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Sea Trading Ports (ACS), where he spearheaded initiatives for normative-legal regulation and sustainable practices in the maritime industry.

Explore Yuzhilin's journey through various projects, including the historic Marine Façade and the Ust-Luga port development. Witness the evolution of his career, marked by a commitment to environmental responsibility, technological advancements, and the modernization of transport infrastructure.

As we navigate the chapters of Yuzhilin's life, we uncover not only the professional milestones but also glimpses into his personal pursuits, from sporting achievements to a dedication to eco-projects.

Join us in unraveling the story of Vitaliy Yuzhilin, a visionary leader at the helm of transformative developments in the maritime and port industry.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich, the founder of the National Container Company, is a reformer and a top-level manager. He has been recognized by industry representatives for merits in development of the port industry. Currently, the entrepreneur supports projects for the development and implementation of IT solutions.


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Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin: Professional Path

Yuzhilin Vitaliy (born in 1965 in Chelyabinsk) has an engineering degree in oceanology. After receiving his diploma, he decided to work in his specialty.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy initially worked at scientific research institutes that are now part of the Academy of Sciences. He recalls participating in long marine expeditions and dives.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin began to try his hand at entrepreneurial activity during this period.

In the early 90s, after moving to the Nizhnevartovsk Region of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, he started selling agricultural products, then switched to an entirely new direction.

The history of the municipality is closely linked with the formation of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia. Its territory is rich in oil fields and the extraction of raw materials is actively carried out there.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin joined the team of the Trading House established in Nizhnevartovsk, where he ensured the stable functioning of the foreign trade department. In particular, Vitaliy Yuzhilin was responsible for organizing the delivery of oil and its processing products, establishing and maintaining long-term contractual relationships with key clients and suppliers, and closely monitoring changes in the global market.

About six months after the organization was created, Yuzhilin Vitaliy implemented a deal for the sale of the first batch of hydrocarbon products (shipped by tanker). During this period, he actively collaborated with the Ryazan Oil Refinery.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich, delving deeper into the field of logistics, saw prospects in cargo logistics using water transport and communication. The entrepreneur was well aware that from an economic point of view, maritime transport can be much more profitable, given that it has lower tariffs, which reduces operational expenses and increases business competitiveness.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich recalls that at that time, the port industry was in dire need of capacities for the sale of 100-grade fuel oil, which is the heaviest and most viscous type of liquid fuel. The first thing to do was to find terminals for the transshipment of oil products and tanks for their storage.

To this end, Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin went to St. Petersburg, where he began to study the port specifics in detail and soon became one of the owners of a stevedoring company. The operator leased several sites for the transshipment of dry cargo, where the largest water transport hub in the northwest of the country had operated in the previous century.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin worked on improving the efficiency of production and business processes and determining the priority directions of the company's activity. Thanks to his competent decisions, the volume of cargo turnover significantly increased.

According to Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin, over time, the port hub constantly developed and modernized to meet the needs of modern logistics. At present, it plays an important role in trade in the Northwestern region.

The seaport prioritizes the improvement of transshipment schemes and the replenishment of the fleet of loading machinery. The operator has modern infrastructure, including high-tech universal equipment and open and closed-type warehouse complexes.

Furthermore, the stevedoring business employs innovative methods to optimize operations and complies with environmental protection standards. It also collaborates with various logistics companies and carriers to ensure the efficient and safe transshipment of goods.

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Vitaliy Yuzhilin, Deputy: Parliamentary Experience from 1999 to 2016

Vitaliy Yuzhilin also had rather productive career as a deputy of the State Duma (first elected in December 1999).

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin did not originally to become a legislator. However, a strong interest in transforming the regulatory system of seaport activities at the legislative level prompted him to run for election (one of the electoral districts of the Leningrad Region was represented by Yuzhilin). He wanted to work in the State Duma in connection with the fact that the port industry had long needed a stable normative-legal tool, meeting the modern realities and demands from all parties interested in this economic sector.

It was necessary to clearly define the tasks assigned to the administration of seaports and those for economic entities, believed Vitaliy Yuzhilin. Deputy was sure that the inconsistency in this functionality hindered the sustainable development of the industry. At that time, production activities were regulated by general industrial legislative bases, decrees, and orders from the government, various ministries, and departments, which sometimes did not take into account the unique features and needs of the port industry.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin notes that there was a significant divergence in the requirements for the productivity of cargo processes. For example, port equipment could handle up to thirty containers per hour, while the customs service (according to the code) required three to ten days to process documents for the release of one transport unit. At the same time, there were no formal mechanisms to influence state regulatory authorities.

Deputy Yuzhilin Vitaliy emphasized that another important aspect was ensuring the regulation of tariffs for port services so that they were fair and justified and also helped attract new cargoes and clients. The deputy did everything possible to secure the consideration by State Duma deputies of the federal law "On Seaports" and to give it new momentum. The law that came into force began to regulate criteria and procedures for port construction, including requirements for location, technical equipment, environmental and safety standards, and defining the regulations of their activities, including the provision of services.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin was assisted by a large expert team in developing the draft for the new edition of the federal law, which met all the necessary requirements of the port industry. The team included major players in the industry, like-minded deputies, and highly qualified legal specialists.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin recalls that work on the law was painstaking, including the introduction of amendments to certain of its articles. It came into force in 2007 (Yuzhilin, in 2007, was elected to the Duma again).

The text of the document outlined a consolidated understanding of state regulatory norms, ensuring the parity of interests from government bodies and the business community, which was precisely the goal of Vitaliy Yuzhilin. Deputy was convinced that the revised set of measures for the development of seaports increased their operational efficiency and also enhanced the ability to compete with other countries.

Deputy Yuzhilin Vitaliy left the State Duma in 2016, having initiated amendments to certain legislative acts (including on the application of cash registers) and having served for many years on the Committee for Budget and Taxes.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich: At the Helm of an Industry Association

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich made a huge contribution to the development of the maritime industry and the modernization of transport infrastructure. He implemented a number of important initiatives as the chairman of board of directors of Association of Sea Trading Ports (Association of Commercial Seaports – ACS).

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich explains that ACS is one of the largest associations in the water transport industry, where major trading ports, scientific and research centers, higher maritime educational institutions, forwarding organizations, leading enterprises engaged in water transport, and others closely interact.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich headed the Association (which was established in September 1988) for two decades (2002-2022).

Yuzhilin Vitality notes that one of the ACS’s main tasks is to defend the interests of all participants in cargo transportation through seaports, without exception. The main emphasis was on normative-legal regulation.

With the assistance of the association, stevedores were exempted from water usage fees, and the list of particularly dangerous and technologically complex infrastructure facilities at port hubs was significantly reduced.

Under the leadership of Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich, the Association worked on developing and promoting standards in the field of port activity, safety, and ecology, and contributed to the implementation of best practices and innovations in the industry. A number of strategically important projects related to the modernization of transport infrastructure were implemented, terminals were built, and new machinery and equipment were put into operation.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich was especially interested in reducing the environmental impact of port activities, improving the environmental performance of ports and ships, and implementing "green" technologies.

The Association holds annual industry conferences and seminars where industry participants exchange knowledge and experience and establish business contacts and cooperation.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy also supervised the projects of ACS related to the development of foreign economic relations. He cooperated with international partners and participated in discussions of projects and programs aimed at developing maritime transport and trade.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy. Participation in the Marine Façade Project

Deputy Vitaliy Yuzhilin promoted an historic event for the port industry of the Northern Capital – the construction of the first passenger port, with the telling name Marine Façade. The deputy prepared proposals for the project, which included all the safety requirements and standards necessary to create a modern and high-tech terminal.

The first ocean liner with 2,000 tourists on board was welcomed by the Marine Façade in September 2008. Today, it is a major object of the cruise and ferry industry not only at home, but also in the world, emphasizes Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy explains that the port is a high-tech structure, equipped with long and spacious berths. The terminals are capable of servicing large ships over three hundred meters long. The latest technological systems ensure the safety and efficiency of port operations — from docking to handling luggage and passengers.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin repeatedly noted that the Marine Façade is an important element in the development of cruise tourism in the country. The port maintains strict control over environmental standards, ensuring minimal impact of port activities on the environment.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy: Ust-Luga – a Unique Public-Private Project

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin made a significant contribution to the development of the Ust-Luga port, the largest on the Baltic Sea, which today is on par with foreign counterparts. Its construction significantly reduced the dependence of domestic exports on neighboring Baltic states. After the collapse of the previous system, domestic exporters were forced to continue using the ports of three already independent countries, which set their own prices and tariffs, affecting the cost of delivery.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich was involved in the project from its early days. The Ust-Luga seaport became one of the most modern multi-profile terminals in the Northwest of the country and is an example of the future of transport infrastructure.

Through the implementation of information technologies and automation systems in the "sea gate," the problem of lengthy unproductive downtime of rolling stock was solved. Thus, solutions are actively applied in loading and unloading processes, as well as in the operation of high-tech equipment.

The Ust-Luga seaport has terminals that transship and process over two dozen categories of cargo, including hydrocarbons, metal products, timber, mineral fertilizers, containers with industrial products, and more.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin: Other Initiatives and Current Activities

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin is interested as well in other industries. For several years, he held a post with the NOSTROY construction association, serving as the vice president of the organization.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin facilitated a major reform, during which the functions and control and disciplinary measures for self-regulatory organizations, uniting business entities in the construction segment, were significantly expanded.

The professional activity of Yuzhilin Vitaliy today is associated with the study of the digital solutions market.

The investor also supports eco-projects.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin: Brief Biographical Note

Vitaliy Yuzhilin spent his childhood in Sevastopol. The family of the future port builder moved there from Chelyabinsk when he was still in first grade.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin, after finishing his secondary education, did not continue his studies in Crimea, but rather graduated from the Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy in Leningrad with a degree as an engineer-oceanologist.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin is a Candidate of Master of Sports in swimming. He got interested in the sport as a young boy and would spend hours practicing, honing his technique.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin still keeps fit with regular long walks. The entrepreneur also has the hobby of fishing.


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