Healthy Habits to Develop this New Year for a Healthy Career

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Healthy Habits to Develop this New Year for a Healthy Career
07 Jan 2022
8 min read

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ThinkWithNiche brings you the best suggestions, strategies, and activities for maintaining a healthy lifestyle while also developing a healthy professional path in the new year of 2022! #ThinkWithNiche

We all know how vital it is to exercise and eat a healthy diet, but we don't always have the time or motivation to do so. It's quite convenient to drive to work, sit at a desk for long periods, and eat quick processed snacks and meals in between. Trying to remain on track with healthy eating and exercise might feel like a slippery slope. Comfort food, work, video games, anxiety, exhaustion, homework, and watching TV are just some of the things that can ruin even the best intentions. It's easy to become complacent with our lives and our jobs, but we're all prospective job seekers, entrepreneurs, or freelancers. Career growth is a continuous process of becoming ready for the next step. You must not only learn skills for the next transition, but you must also practice and model good habits, whether you are a career professional, an employee, or a job seeker. It is up to you to make your career a success. Healthy behaviors can be modeled and used by career professionals in their daily lives and practices.

Showing rather than telling students and clients how vital healthy practices are for career growth is more successful. Employers recognize that healthy habits lead to more productive employees. Hence, employees must live a healthy lifestyle. Employers value healthy employees. Therefore, they will seek out healthy individuals to join their company. A healthy lifestyle provides you with the vitality and radiance that draws others to you and makes employers want to hire you. When your posture and attitude reveal that you are healthy and happy, you command trust and confidence. Here is a list from ThinkWithNiche of some of the best tips and tricks, methods, and activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to develop a healthy career path as well in the new year of 2022!

The Standing Breaks

It's commonly known that sitting for lengthy periods is bad for your health and can cause back and neck problems. However, for many office workers, sitting is an unavoidable part of the job. You can improve blood flow to your body, enhance your energy, and help prevent back and neck problems by taking standing breaks throughout the workday. Consider a standing desk if you want to take it a step further. Standing for at least 30 minutes a day, according to studies, can help you feel more energized. These small acts add up to keep your blood flowing and enhance your productivity levels at work, whether it's taking a short stroll during the day or setting reminders to stand and stretch once per hour.

Significance of Drinking Lots of Water 

Drinking plenty of water not only helps you prevent overeating, but it also helps you avoid dehydration, which can cause headaches, weariness, and difficulty concentrating, as well as sugary drinks and caffeine. Mild dehydration, such as a loss of 1–3% of body weight, has been shown in studies to affect numerous areas of brain function. Researchers discovered that 1.4 percent fluid loss after exercise affected mood and focus in a study. A similar study with young males was undertaken by many members of the same research team. They discovered that a 1.6 percent loss of fluid harmed working memory and increased anxiety and weariness. For a person weighing 150 pounds, a fluid loss of 1–3% equals 1.5–4.5 pounds (0.5–2 kg) of body weight loss (68 kg). It can happen in everyday tasks, let alone during exertion or in extreme temperatures.

Cells that do not maintain their fluid and electrolyte balance shrink, resulting in muscle exhaustion. Muscle cells that don't get enough fluid don't work as well, and performance suffers as a result. When exercising, it's critical to stay hydrated. Follow the standards for fluid consumption set out by the American College of Sports Medicine before and during physical exercise. People should drink around 17 ounces of fluid two hours before exercising, according to these recommendations. They urge that consumers drink fluids early and at regular intervals throughout the exercise to replace fluids lost via sweating. Staying hydrated is also vital for maintaining healthy blood flow and joint health, and drinking multiple glasses of water throughout the day is one of the greatest methods to stay healthy at work. Bring a water bottle to work with you so you can refill it during the day, and make it a goal to drink at least eight glasses of water or 2 liters.

Prepare a Lunch Pack

When you're eating out, it's much more difficult to make healthy eating decisions, so bringing your lunch to work might help you keep track of what you're eating throughout the day. Constantly eating out will put a burden on your bank account. A single dinner plus delivery might be the same price as a week's worth of packed lunches. Let's break it down: a take-out meal can be expensive, money that could be better spent on a loaf of bread, a range of fillings, and a variety of snacks to get you through the week. Bringing your own lunch can save you thousands per year! You never know what's in the food you're eating, even if you order the "healthy option" on a menu. Many store-bought foods are comprised of processed ingredients or additives to extend their shelf life, and some food labeled as "low-fat" isn't actually slimming at all.

When you make your own lunch, you know precisely what's in it, how many calories you're consuming, and, most importantly, which nutrients you're consuming. You can also be confident that the ingredients are fresh and organic if you cultivate your own vegetables at home. Furthermore, bringing your own lunch allows you significantly more control over amount size! Packing your lunch is the ideal method to ensure that your healthy eating habits aren't jeopardized, whether you're concerned about consuming too many calories, sugar, or carbohydrates. You'll also save money in the long run by avoiding the food court, takeout, restaurants, and delivery services.

Think of your Mental Health 

There is a clear link between stress and your health. Stress can lead to headaches, muscle strain, and a variety of other bad consequences on your body and everyday life, which is why it's critical to maintain mental and emotional wellness throughout your workday. If you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed at work, take some time to conduct breathing exercises or go outdoors for a break to get some fresh air. Your working environment can have a significant impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Maintain a clean and organized workplace, and adorn it with images or objects that make you happy. While many businesses may focus on promoting a healthy work environment in honor of World Health Day, it's vital to remember that healthy workplace habits are formed by little everyday activities. Focus on making objectives and following through, as well as subscribing to websites with daily health suggestions - the more you prioritize your health at work, the more likely you are to reap the benefits.


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