Growth of Edupreneurs – Will They Sustain?

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Growth of Edupreneurs – Will They Sustain?
25 Feb 2022
7 min read

Blog Post

You must know what an entrepreneur is, but you will be surprised to hear a new word trending on the internet. Can you guess it? It’s Edupreneur. The term might be new, but its existence is petty old. With the diversity and expansion of the internet, Edupreneurs are gaining a lot of attention and status. This article will explain everything from the meaning to their thriving nature in the future. #TWN

Edupreneurs are the entrepreneurs of this new era. As of today, almost everyone is aware of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, but very less people know anything about Edupreneurs or edupreneurship. This article will inform you everything about this newly revolutionized term and its future. What is in it for you, you might wonder. Don’t worry! Take a step back and relax. We will lay down every aspect that you want us to inspect. If you want to be an entrepreneur, try being an edupreneur first because this field is here to stay and won’t become obsolete for a long time. As the title questions its sustainability, the short answer is yes, but we will dive deep into the concept and see how and why it is the next big thing. Stay with us, let’s go!

EDUpreneurs – New Era Entrepreneurs

Our race is in the midst of a learning revolution, and it is taking a toll on our experts, SMEs, business owners, and entrepreneurs – focusing on the way they build their audience and provide services to them.

A customer nowadays is fed up with being sold to, promised something, and then made to go through endless pitches about the sales.

These very same customers are now getting hungrier day by day for knowledge. They want to know the why and how of the things that are needed to be done – and they will buy the product and service from only those who will provide them the answers about how and why.

Edupreneurship Is A BIG Business, Guaranteed to Prosper

You'd be surprised if I told you that the online learning industry is one such industry that has already been established as a multi-billion-dollar industry. It is 2022 already, and as per the report by Global Industry Analytics, by 2025, the online learning industry will garner the whopping value of $325 Billion! This value is for the next three years. Imagine the value in the next ten years!

The above-mentioned stats are the reason every ENTREpreneur is becoming the EDUpreneur of the new generation. This transition is how every business owner can surf on the waves of their advantage.

Saying this, every edupreneur who has already begun converting their knowledge and field expertise into something of an online course is already at the forefront of this amazing and lucrative revolution.

The Real-Time Transition from Entrepreneur to Edupreneur Is Happening!

Let me tell you about this transition.

A stubborn business owner who sticks to old tactics of sale and is reluctant to educate his market is doomed to fail. As a result, he will be left behind in the corporate race and will end up shutting down his business forever. It will happen because his competitors are ahead of him on Google, getting fans and followers who become their buyers.

Now is the time to think out of the box to retain the business, educate markets and aim at people development.

Now is the time to change the way we sell & deliver our products and services to the customers and think about a way to nurture the relationship in the market.

Gone are the days of traditional entrepreneurial methods. We have moved on to use educational platforms as a medium to nurture everything and everyone around us. It is our bottom line.

So, if you are thinking of shifting into new ways, Welcome to EDUpreneurship!

Edupreneurship & Edupreneur - What Are They?

If you scan through the internet, you will find different statements that define the terms. I will also explain the same but in my very own words.

When you combine the term education with entrepreneur, you get edupreneur. An edupreneur is an entrepreneur who can solve problems in the educational sector with the help of his out-of-the-box thinking and innovative learning. His journey as an edupreneur is edupreneurship.

Edupreneurship is a way of educating the market profitably. You can also say that it is a vehicle used to initiate and maintain a sustainable business with the help of educational platforms and training.

How Will It Benefit You?

If you deliver keynote, talks, presentations, take workshops, write informative blogs & articles, write books, etc. – then my friend, you already are an edupreneur. Being an edupreneur will benefit you in many ways.

Personal Transformation

Education has a nature, and it’s transformational!

It enables the fellow learner to move places. If you ask any edupreneur the reason for their teaching, you will learn that money is involved, and it always comes after ‘it is so rewarding.’ Talking about transformation, self-actualization gets rewired in your system. When you see that people value your expertise, you will start valuing yourself in a way you never thought of. Let me tell you about the reasons that can lead to personal transformation:

  • Knowing the fact that you have something that you can give others strengthens your belief in your knowledge and skills.
  • As an edupreneur, you feel refreshed when you conduct research and gather information.
  • Creating an online course can bring you immense satisfaction.
  • Converting your knowledge into any tangible product shows that you are more capable and expert than you realize.

You Don’t Sell Anything. Ever!

When you show your potential customers that you have the knowledge and skills that you mentioned will fetch you far more business than those traditional marketing techniques. When you share what you know and can do educationally, it will convince people that you are an expert on that matter. If you pull this off, you won’t ever need to persuade, compromise or sell anymore.

Solidifying Your Industry

You prove that your industry is ‘street-cred’ when you demonstrate your expertise in the form of content (educational, of course). Making and designing your training programs and products is a sure-shot way of establishing your authority in the field. This authority will contribute to your professional credentials.

Leave a Legacy Behind

When you create some courses and expertise sharing products that have your knowledge and skills in them, you try to make a difference in the lives of people. It is a great way to ensure that people remember you for that change you brought in their lives and positivity to the world.

Positive effect on people’s lives

This statement is self-explanatory.  When you help people by sharing your knowledge, developing the skill, feeling better, and being able to think critically, you change them quite literally, enhancing their lives. Being an edupreneur isn’t just about money it is about the changes you bring about in the lives of people.  Nothing feels more satisfying than leaving a positive mark on people’s lives.

Global Client Base Awaits!

Currently, 4 billion internet users are active globally, and many among them are in dire need of the knowledge that you have kept away in that think tank. With the help of the internet, everyone has access to that global market. When you post your content or course with the right title and descriptions, it will reach a mass audience without even putting effort into advertising for the same. Global clients base can be easily gained when knowledge is shared in the right way.

Will The Edupreneurs Sustain?

With the reasons mentioned above, it is clear that edupreneurs around the world will thrive, and the industry will reach the estimated market cap in the years to come. The sustainability of edupreneurs depends on how well structured and unique the knowledge is that they will share. With the availability of the internet in every alley, people can gather limitless knowledge. Your knowledge and skills must stand out so that they can reach every alley and people can learn from it. Edupreneurship can be a resource that can save many businesses, and only edupreneurs have that power. With that being said, this industry will thrive and sustain itself beyond imagination. As it is said that Content is King, so is knowledge.


TWN In-Focus