Eco-Friendly Urban Planning Trends: Which are the Top Sustainable Cities in the world?

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Eco-Friendly Urban Planning Trends: Which are the Top Sustainable Cities in the world?
06 Feb 2024
4 min read

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As the urban landscape swells, with 6.7 billion people expected to call cities home by 2050, the way we design and develop these environments needs a fundamental shift.

Gone are the days of prioritizing concrete jungles over vibrant ecosystems. Instead, a green revolution is blossoming, driven by eco-friendly urban planning.

This transformative approach isn't merely about aesthetics; it's about weaving sustainability into the very fabric of our cities, fostering a harmonious and resilient future for both people and planet.

Imagine bustling cityscapes adorned with verdant green spaces, buildings that breathe with energy efficiency, and communities empowered to co-create a thriving future.

This vision, once a dream, is rapidly becoming a reality through the guiding principles of eco-friendly urban planning.

It's not just about mitigating environmental impact; it's about embracing a green revolution that fosters cleaner air, healthier communities, and a more sustainable tomorrow.

This journey into "Eco-Friendly Urban Planning" will unpack the key trends shaping this exciting movement.

We'll delve into the transformative power of green spaces, explore the marvels of sustainable architecture, and discover how renewable energy and community engagement are fueling this revolution.

"Join us as we unlock the potential of cities that are not only livable but also sustainable, resilient, and brimming with life."

Key Trends in Eco-Friendly Urban Planning

1. Green Infrastructure: Nature's Embrace in the Urban Jungle

Green infrastructure is no longer just a fringe element of urban planning; it's a cornerstone of building resilient, sustainable, and livable cities. Integrating parks, green spaces, bioswales, and urban forests into cityscapes offers a multitude of benefits, not just for the environment, but for residents' well-being and economic prosperity.

Beyond Aesthetics: The Multifaceted Value of Green Infrastructure:

Climate Change Champions:

Green spaces act as natural sponges, absorbing rainwater and mitigating the risk of flooding. They also combat the urban heat island effect, lowering temperatures by up to 5°C in densely built areas. Additionally, urban forests and bioswales filter pollutants and improve air quality, contributing to cleaner, healthier living.

Health and Happiness Boosters:

Studies consistently link access to green spaces with improved physical and mental health. Residents living near parks report lower stress levels, higher physical activity, and reduced rates of depression. Green spaces also foster social interaction and community cohesion, creating more vibrant and welcoming neighborhoods.

Economic Engines:

Green infrastructure isn't just good for the soul, it's good for the economy too. Studies show that property values can increase by up to 20% in areas with access to green spaces. Additionally, urban parks and gardens attract tourism and support local businesses, creating jobs and boosting economic activity.

Inspiring Examples of Green Infrastructure From Around the World:

Singapore's Gardens by the Bay:

This iconic landmark showcases cutting-edge vertical gardens, biodiverse ecosystems, and innovative cooling strategies. It serves as a model for integrating nature seamlessly into urban design, attracting millions of visitors and contributing to Singapore's reputation as a green city.

Medellin's Green Belt:

Once notorious for violence, Medellin transformed itself through a network of parks, libraries, and public spaces connected by cable cars. This ambitious project not only revitalized neighborhoods but also reduced crime and improved social cohesion, becoming a global symbol of urban renewal.

New York City's High Line:

This elevated public park, built on a disused railway line, has become a vibrant green corridor, attracting residents and tourists alike. It demonstrates the potential of repurposing existing infrastructure to create new green spaces, even in densely populated areas.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Green Infrastructure:

The future of green infrastructure is bright, with exciting new technologies and design approaches emerging:

  • Vertical forests: Buildings with integrated greenery are maximizing green space in dense urban environments.

  • Urban agriculture: Rooftop farms and community gardens are providing fresh produce while promoting local food systems.

  • Blue-green infrastructure: Integrating water features like canals and wetlands into urban design creates multifunctional spaces that manage stormwater and enhance biodiversity.

2. Walkable and Bikeable Cities on the Rise: Pedaling and Pounding the Pavements

Beyond their picturesque appeal, walkable and bikeable communities are emerging as a powerful force for sustainability, health, and economic vibrancy in cities around the globe. By prioritizing pedestrian-friendly streets, dedicated cycling lanes, and robust public transportation networks, these urban havens encourage residents to ditch their cars and embrace alternative modes of travel.

The Power of Two Wheels and Two Feet:

  • Climate Champions: Reducing car reliance leads to significant reductions in carbon emissions, mitigating the impact of transportation on climate change. Additionally, green spaces incorporated into walkable and bikeable infrastructure further enhance their eco-friendliness.

  • Healthier Communities: Active commuting through walking and cycling translates to increased physical activity, leading to reduced obesity, lower heart disease risk, and improved overall well-being. Improved air quality further enhances public health benefits.

  • Economic Engines: Studies show that walkable and bikeable communities attract businesses and residents, leading to increased property values, boosted retail sales, and job creation. Vibrant streetscapes also foster social interaction and community engagement, attracting tourists and enhancing the overall city experience.

Also Read: List of Top Sustainable Projects Worldwide

Inspiring Examples of Global Inspiration on Two Wheels:

Copenhagen, Denmark: Renowned for its cycling culture, Copenhagen boasts extensive, well-maintained bike lanes, safe intersections, and priority signaling for cyclists. Over 60% of residents commute by bike daily, showcasing the power of prioritizing cycling infrastructure.

The Netherlands: With a national cycling network exceeding 35,000 kilometers, the Netherlands leads the pack in cycling infrastructure. Cities like Utrecht and Amsterdam prioritize cyclists and pedestrians, fostering a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for residents.

Seville, Spain: This southern Spanish city underwent a remarkable transformation, reclaiming streets for pedestrians and cyclists. Today, Seville boasts extensive bike lanes, pedestrianized zones, and a thriving cycling culture, significantly reducing car dependence and improving air quality.

Looking Ahead: The Continued Rise of Walkable and Bikeable Cities:

The future of urban mobility is increasingly focused on active transportation. Exciting trends include:

  • Shared micromobility: Bike-sharing and scooter-sharing programs provide convenient and flexible transportation options, further reducing car usage.

  • Complete streets design: Streets are designed to prioritize all users, not just cars, fostering safety and accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation.

  • 20-minute neighborhoods: Urban planning prioritizes creating neighborhoods where all essential amenities are within a 20-minute walk or bike ride, promoting active lifestyles and reducing reliance on cars.

By embracing walkable and bikeable communities, cities can transform themselves into healthier, more sustainable, and economically vibrant spaces. As we move forward, prioritizing active transportation is not just about convenience, it's about building a better future for our cities and our planet.

3. Powering Up with Renewables: Cities Plug into a Sustainable Future

The reliance on fossil fuels in urban environments is facing a rising tide, replaced by the surging wave of renewable energy integration. Cities around the world are embracing solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal energy, and other clean sources to power buildings, streetlights, public transportation, and more, paving the way for a greener, cleaner future.

Beyond Fossil Fuels: The Benefits of Renewable Energy in Cities:

  • Climate Champions: Replacing fossil fuels with renewables significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change and contributing to a healthier planet. Additionally, renewable energy sources often require less land and water, minimizing their environmental footprint.

  • Energy Independence and Security: Diversifying energy sources reduces dependence on volatile fossil fuel markets, enhancing energy security and resilience for cities. Local renewable energy generation also minimizes transmission losses and empowers communities to take control of their energy needs.

  • Economic Engine: The renewable energy sector is a rapidly growing job market, creating new opportunities in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. Additionally, reduced energy costs for residents and businesses can boost local economies.

Global Examples Lighting the Way:

  • Reykjavik, Iceland: Harnessing the power beneath its feet, Reykjavik utilizes geothermal energy to heat homes and provide hot water to over 90% of its residents. This innovative approach showcases the immense potential of geothermal energy in urban environments.

  • Masdar City, United Arab Emirates: This purpose-built city aims to be carbon-neutral and waste-free. Masdar City utilizes a mix of solar panels, wind turbines, and waste-to-energy plants to power its buildings and infrastructure, serving as a model for sustainable urban development.

  • Los Angeles, California: This sprawling metropolis aims to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050. LA is currently the largest user of solar energy in the US and is investing heavily in rooftop solar, wind farms, and battery storage, demonstrating the scalability of renewables even in large cities.

Looking Ahead: The Bright Future of Urban Renewables:

The future of urban energy is undoubtedly renewable. Exciting trends include:

  • Smart grids: Integrating renewable energy sources with intelligent grid management systems optimizes energy distribution and storage, improving efficiency and reliability.

  • Decentralized energy production: Rooftop solar panels, community microgrids, and small-scale wind turbines are empowering individuals and communities to generate their own clean energy.

  • Energy storage solutions: Advancements in battery technology are enabling the storage of excess renewable energy, overcoming the intermittency challenges of some sources like solar and wind.

By embracing renewable energy integration, cities can not only combat climate change and ensure energy security, but also create healthier, more resilient, and economically vibrant communities.

As we move forward, harnessing the power of the sun, wind, and other clean sources is not just an option, it's an imperative for building a sustainable future for our cities and planet.

4. Urban Agriculture Blossoms in Concrete Jungles

Imagine fresh vegetables and herbs thriving amidst towering buildings, vacant lots transformed into vibrant community gardens, and rooftops buzzing with urban farms. This isn't a utopian dream, but a burgeoning reality in cities worldwide. Urban agriculture, the practice of growing food within city limits, is gaining momentum, driven by its multifaceted benefits:

Sustainable Bounty:

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Locally grown food eliminates transportation emissions, minimizing the environmental impact of our diets. Studies show urban agriculture can reduce food-related emissions by up to 32%.

  • Fresher, Healthier Food: Access to fresh, locally grown produce encourages healthy eating habits and combats food deserts, areas with limited access to nutritious food. Community gardens can also promote food education and empower individuals to make informed choices.

  • Biodiversity Boost: Urban farms and gardens create green spaces that attract pollinators and enhance urban biodiversity, contributing to healthier ecosystems within cities.

Community Spirit:

  • Social Cohesion: Community gardens foster a sense of belonging and social interaction, bringing people together from diverse backgrounds through shared activities and a common goal.

  • Empowerment and Education: By participating in urban agriculture, residents gain valuable skills in food production, composting, and sustainability, promoting environmental awareness and self-reliance.

  • Economic Opportunities: Urban farms can create jobs in production, distribution, and education, while community gardens often sell excess produce, generating income and stimulating local economies.

Global Examples of Urban Agriculture Take Root:

Chicago's "Growing Power" Initiative:

This inspiring project transforms vacant lots into vibrant urban farms, providing fresh produce for underserved communities, creating jobs, and promoting healthy eating habits.

Singapore Sky Greens Vertical Farms:

These innovative farms utilize vertical farming techniques to maximize food production in a space-constrained environment, showcasing the potential of technology in urban agriculture.

Havana's Urban Gardens:

Faced with food shortages, Havana residents have embraced urban agriculture, turning balconies, rooftops, and even vacant spaces into productive gardens, demonstrating resilience and community spirit.

Looking Ahead: Cultivating a Sustainable Future:

The future of urban agriculture is brimming with exciting possibilities:

  • Vertical and indoor farming: These technologies enable food production in dense urban environments, maximizing yield and minimizing land use.

  • Aquaponics: Combining fish farming with plant cultivation creates closed-loop systems that conserve water and resources.

  • Community-supported agriculture (CSA): Connecting urban consumers directly with local farmers strengthens local food systems and promotes fair trade practices.

By embracing urban agriculture, cities can cultivate not just fresh food, but also healthier communities, more sustainable practices, and a brighter future for all. As we move forward, nurturing the seeds of urban agriculture is not just a trend, but a necessary transformation for building resilient and thriving cities.

Also Read: Contributions Of The World's Richest People To Fight Climate Change

5. Water Conservation and Management in Thirsty Cities: Every Drop Counts

As climate change tightens its grip and population densities rise, water conservation and efficient management are no longer options but necessities for cities around the world. Thankfully, innovative solutions are emerging, transforming how we value and utilize this precious resource.

Beyond Conservation: A Multifaceted Approach:

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Capturing rainwater from rooftops and storing it for various uses, from irrigation to toilet flushing, reduces dependence on municipal supplies and mitigates the impact of droughts. Rotterdam in the Netherlands boasts a robust rainwater harvesting system, showcasing its potential in urban environments.

  • Greywater Reuse: Treated wastewater from showers, sinks, and washing machines can be repurposed for non-potable uses like irrigation, reducing freshwater demand and promoting resource efficiency. Singapore's NEWater initiative, which processes wastewater for drinking water, exemplifies this approach.

  • Water-Efficient Landscaping: Replacing thirsty lawns with native, drought-resistant plants and utilizing innovative irrigation systems minimizes water usage in green spaces, while still maintaining aesthetics and ecological benefits. Melbourne, Australia, has implemented water-efficient landscaping guidelines for public spaces, demonstrating its effectiveness.

Benefits Beyond Water Savings:

  • Climate Resilience: By reducing reliance on freshwater sources, cities become more resilient to droughts and climate change impacts. Conserving water also reduces energy consumption used for treatment and pumping, lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Economic Opportunities: Implementing water conservation technologies and practices creates jobs in design, installation, and maintenance, stimulating local economies. Additionally, efficient water management can attract businesses and residents seeking sustainable communities.

  • Improved Public Health: Access to clean, safe water is essential for health and well-being. Efficient management ensures equitable distribution and reduces waterborne diseases, contributing to healthier communities.

Global Inspiration: Leading the Way in Water Stewardship:

Xeriscaping in Denver, Colorado:

This city actively promotes xeriscaping, a landscaping approach using drought-tolerant plants, resulting in significant water savings in public spaces and encouraging residents to adopt similar practices.

Singapore's "Four Taps" Approach:

This comprehensive strategy combines local catchment, imported water, NEWater (recycled wastewater), and desalination to ensure water security, highlighting the importance of diversified sources.

São Paulo, Brazil's Leakage Reduction Program:

By investing in infrastructure upgrades and leak detection technologies, São Paulo reduced water losses by 30%, demonstrating the impact of efficient management on existing systems.

Looking Ahead: Building a Water-Secure Future:

The future of water management in cities is filled with promise and innovation:

  • Smart water grids: Sensor-based systems monitor water use in real-time, enabling targeted interventions and leak detection, optimizing distribution and minimizing waste.

  • Decentralized wastewater treatment: Smaller, localized treatment plants reduce reliance on centralized systems and enable reuse of treated water closer to its source.

  • Community-based engagement: Empowering residents through education and participation in water conservation initiatives promotes responsible water use and fosters a sense of shared responsibility.

By embracing water conservation and innovative management practices, cities can navigate the challenges of a changing climate and ensure a sustainable future for their residents. Every drop saved is a step towards a more water-secure and resilient tomorrow.

6. How Smart Technologies Are Transforming Urban Landscapes?

Imagine traffic lights that adapt to congestion in real-time, buildings that adjust energy consumption based on weather, and waste management systems that predict overflowing bins.

This isn't science fiction; it's the reality of smart city technologies rapidly transforming urban environments around the globe. By leveraging sensors, data analytics, and intelligent systems, cities are unlocking exciting possibilities for:

Optimizing Efficiency and Sustainability:

  • Smart Grids: Sensors monitor energy use in buildings and infrastructure, enabling dynamic adjustments to optimize consumption and reduce waste. Barcelona's smart lighting system, reducing energy consumption by 80%, exemplifies this potential.

  • Real-time Traffic Management: Intelligent systems analyze traffic flow and adjust signal timings, reducing congestion and emissions. Singapore's integrated traffic management system, leading to a 17% reduction in travel time, showcases its effectiveness.

  • Predictive Maintenance: Sensors in infrastructure like bridges and pipelines detect potential issues before they become critical, avoiding costly repairs and disruptions.

Enhancing Environmental Management:

Smart Waste Management: Sensors monitor bin levels and optimize collection routes, minimizing fuel use and emissions. Dubai's smart waste management system, reducing collection trips by 30%, demonstrates its impact.


Air Quality Monitoring: Real-time data from sensors informs targeted interventions to address pollution hotspots, improving air quality and public health. London's extensive air quality monitoring network, informing policy decisions and public awareness campaigns, exemplifies this approach.

Urban Water Management: Intelligent systems optimize water distribution and prevent leaks, conserving this precious resource. Beijing's smart water management system, reducing water losses by 10%, showcases its potential.

Creating Livable and Connected Communities:

Smart Parking: Sensor-based systems guide drivers to available parking spaces, reducing congestion and frustration. San Francisco's smart parking program, increasing parking availability by 20%, demonstrates its convenience.

Public Safety and Security: Cameras with analytics capabilities enable proactive monitoring and faster response times to incidents, fostering safer communities. Chicago's predictive policing program, leveraging data to identify high-crime areas, exemplifies this approach.

Improved Citizen Engagement: Interactive platforms allow residents to access information, report issues, and participate in decision-making, fostering a sense of community ownership. Seoul's "City Data Open Innovation Platform" sharing real-time data with developers, encouraging collaborative solutions, serves as a model.


Looking Ahead: The Future of Smart Cities

The evolution of smart cities is accelerating with exciting developments:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI): AI algorithms will analyze vast datasets to optimize urban systems in real-time, leading to even greater efficiency and responsiveness.

  • Internet of Things (IoT): Increased deployment of interconnected devices will generate even more data, fueling further innovation and insights.

  • Cybersecurity: Robust security measures will be crucial to ensure the responsible and ethical use of data in smart city initiatives.

By embracing smart technologies responsibly, cities can transform themselves into more efficient, sustainable, and livable spaces for all. As we move forward, investing in smart solutions is not just an option, but a necessity for building resilient and thriving cities of the future.

7. Transformative Policy and Planning for a Sustainable Future

The way we design and manage our cities has a profound impact on everything from our environment and economy to our health and well-being. As we face pressing challenges like climate change, rapid urbanization, and social inequities, transformative urban policy and planning are more critical than ever.

This approach moves beyond traditional methods to:

  • Address complex, interconnected challenges: Instead of tackling issues in isolation, transformative policies consider the ripple effects of each decision, aiming for holistic solutions.

  • Prioritize sustainability: From promoting renewable energy and green infrastructure to fostering compact development and walkable communities, sustainability is embedded throughout the planning process.

  • Promote equity and inclusion: Planning decisions actively address historical injustices and create inclusive spaces that meet the needs of all residents, regardless of background or income.

  • Engage communities: Collaborative planning empowers residents to shape their communities, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Here are some inspiring examples of tr ansformative urban policies and planning in action:

Curbing Urban Sprawl:

  • Portland, Oregon's Urban Growth Boundary: This landmark policy, implemented in 1979, restricts the physical expansion of the city, encouraging denser development within its limits. This has helped preserve agricultural land, reduce traffic congestion, and promote walkable neighborhoods.

  • Bogotá, Colombia's TransMilenio Bus Rapid Transit System: This innovative network of dedicated bus lanes, stations, and feeder routes offers affordable, efficient public transportation, reducing car dependence and air pollution while connecting underserved communities.


Revitalizing Underutilized Areas:

King's Cross Redevelopment in London:

This ambitious project transformed a neglected industrial area into a vibrant mixed-use neighborhood, fostering economic growth, creating public spaces, and promoting sustainability through energy-efficient buildings and green infrastructure.

Seoul, South Korea's Cheonggyecheon Stream Restoration:

This once-covered stream was reborn as a public park and ecological corridor, revitalizing the city center, improving water quality, and providing a haven for recreation and relaxation.

Building Equitable Communities:

Amsterdam's "Play Streets" Initiative:

This program temporarily closes streets to traffic, creating safe play spaces for children and fostering community interaction, particularly in densely populated areas with limited open spaces.

Oakland, California's Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Policy:

This policy prioritizes affordable housing, community services, and job opportunities near public transportation hubs, aiming to address historical patterns of disinvestment and create more equitable access to resources.

These examples highlight the immense potential of transformative urban policy and planning to create thriving, sustainable, and equitable cities for the future. By investing in education and training programs like EIT Urban Mobility Academy's courses on Transport Policy and Planning, we can equip urbanists and policymakers with the knowledge and skills necessary to address our complex urban challenges and build better cities for all.

8. How Connectivity and Urban Design Are Shaping Smarter Cities: Weaving the Digital Fabric

The modern cityscape is undergoing a metamorphosis, with digitalization and connectivity weaving themselves into the very fabric of urban environments. This trend transcends mere technological adoption; it signifies a paradigm shift towards smarter, more efficient, and sustainable cities that seamlessly integrate digital solutions into their planning and management.

Examples of Pioneering Cities:

  • Barcelona, Spain: A beacon of smart city initiatives, Barcelona leverages the Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize its infrastructure. Sensor-based street lighting reduces energy consumption, while smart waste management systems minimize environmental impact. Additionally, real-time traffic data aids in decongestion efforts, improving air quality and resident well-being.

  • Singapore, Singapore: Embracing the "Smart Nation" vision, Singapore employs digital technologies across various sectors. Intelligent traffic management systems optimize traffic flow, while e-government platforms enhance service delivery and accessibility. Notably, its "Contactless TraceTogether" program, implemented during the pandemic, effectively tracked potential exposures, demonstrating the power of digital tools in public health initiatives.

  • Seoul, South Korea: This tech-savvy metropolis boasts an extensive network of free Wi-Fi hotspots, allowing residents and visitors to stay connected on the go. Additionally, its "City Data Open Innovation Platform" shares real-time data with developers, fostering the creation of innovative urban solutions.

Key Technologies Driving Change:

  • Internet of Things (IoT): Sensors embedded in infrastructure collect real-time data on everything from traffic flow to air quality, enabling data-driven decision-making and resource optimization.

  • Big Data Analytics: By analyzing vast datasets, cities can identify trends, predict problems, and tailor solutions to specific needs, boosting efficiency and citizen engagement.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI algorithms can analyze traffic patterns, optimize public transportation routes, and even personalize public services, all aimed at creating a more responsive and adaptive urban environment.

  • Blockchain: This secure technology can enhance e-governance, streamline supply chains, and facilitate secure data sharing, fostering trust and transparency between citizens and city authorities.

EIT Urban Mobility Academy: Equipping City Builders for the Future:

Recognizing the significance of digitalization and connectivity, EIT Urban Mobility Academy offers courses like "Digitalisation and Connectivity" specifically designed for urbanists. These programs equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Evaluate and integrate emerging digital technologies into urban planning and management.

  • Develop data-driven strategies that address specific urban challenges.

  • Ensure ethical and inclusive implementation of digital solutions, bridging the digital divide.

Building Inclusive and Sustainable Smart Cities:

While digitalization offers immense potential, responsible implementation is crucial. Cities must:

  • Prioritize equity and inclusion: Ensure all residents have access to and benefit from digital technologies, bridging the digital divide.

  • Protect privacy and security: Implement robust data protection measures to safeguard citizen privacy and build trust.

  • Embrace collaboration: Foster partnerships between public authorities, private companies, and citizens to co-create smart city solutions.

By harnessing the power of digitalization and connectivity, cities can evolve into vibrant, sustainable spaces that enhance the lives of all residents. By equipping urban professionals with the necessary skills and fostering responsible implementation, we can build smarter cities that are not just technologically advanced but also equitable, livable, and resilient for generations to come.

Conclusion: Weaving a Sustainable Urban Tapestry

Eco-friendly urban planning trends paint a vibrant picture of a future where concrete coexists seamlessly with nature, fostering vibrant communities within a healthy planet. By embracing these innovative approaches, we can transform our cities into havens of sustainability, resilience, and well-being, not just for the present generation but for generations to come.

This journey through eco-friendly urban planning is just the beginning. As we move forward, the onus lies on us to translate these trends into tangible action. We must advocate for green infrastructure, prioritize sustainable development, and actively engage in shaping our cities' futures. Remember, eco-friendly urban planning is not a destination, but a continuous journey of collaboration, innovation, and responsible action.

Let us weave a tapestry of sustainable urban environments, stitch by stitch, where nature thrives, communities flourish, and the promise of a livable future for all becomes a reality.

Call to Action:

  • Share your thoughts on eco-friendly urban planning in the comments below!

  • Get involved in local initiatives promoting sustainable development in your city.

  • Explore educational resources and training programs offered by organizations like EIT Urban Mobility Academy.

  • Together, let's build cities that are not just smart, but also sustainable and brimming with life!


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