Competition Improve And Innovate

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Competition Improve And Innovate
25 Sep 2021
7 min read

Blog Post

Competition leads to learning from failures and a further boost to a company's growth and worth. You must know your competitors in the market to excel and expand your network, to provide good service and stand at par with everyone. Competition should not be considered detrimental or as an agent of stress and pressure but as a platform for showcasing talents and developing new skills. #ThinkWithNiche

Competition is the backbone of every industry. It provides a framework for business growth and learning from the failures and successes of competitors, which gives a boost to a company’s goals and its worth. Competition is necessary for every step and every initiative to improve teamwork and collaboration, enhance good communication, understand the specific skills and how to work to grow, etc.

You must know your competitors in the market to excel and expand your network, provide good service, and stand at par with everyone. Categorize your competitors as primary who provide the same services yours and whole target customers are same as yours, secondary competitors who are ahead of you in the same business, who offer similar products but whose target audience are a level up from yours and third who are emerging as new in the market, they will be more enthusiastic as they are new and hence can even become a threat to your position.

Competition should not be considered detrimental or as an agent of stress and pressure but as a platform for showcasing talents and developing new skills. It's a very challenging and purposeful process to benefit the whole organization.

1. What Works and What Not

Every business goes through a certain competition with other companies before achieving its higher goals. It is a place to see whether a certain idea or strategy works successfully or not. By observing what others are doing is profitable or not, one can have a glimpse of what lies ahead in a particular path. It reduces the number of needed trials and chances of error. You must model effective strategies and recognize what works for your business to grow.

2. Opportunities in Difficult Times

Every business venture comes across a period of uncertainty and tough times. But one must learn and recognize new opportunities which lay in those very adverse situations and learn to implement new ideas. Stay ahead of others, be on your toes, and know what others are up to and what their next time might be, so you can proceed accordingly and suitably. 

3. Risk Analysis and Growth Mindset

Competition helps the employees or workers of an organization to become a better workforce and develop new skills. Risk analysis is not something people learn at the school level in books, competitions provide an environment to a person or an organization to evaluate risk and hence plan his strategy. 

It leads us to seek improvement and set a framework that facilitates a growth mindset by teaching us how to deal with conflicting ideas and opinions and different personalities.


Persistence, and resilience are the products of the competition. It trains us how to bend and not break under pressure. Competition leads to comparison which is built-in human nature and which if interpreted correctly can do wonders. The comparison makes us capable of changing the items which are not right or beneficial for us. 

While proceeding to start any venture, you must remember that you are making a room for yourself in the same market where already many other ventures exist and there so there are many setups for you to compete with. 

You must stand at par. Analyze your opponents to identify their strengths and weaknesses, know your opportunities and threats and also of your competitors and then figure out the tactics or suitable practices to implement a perfect strategy. 

Learn how to turn defense into attack. Make a way for improvement and innovation. Respond properly to the competition or challenges offered on the way to turn your setup into a profitable endeavor.



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