A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Business Loan in India 2024

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A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Business Loan in India 2024
09 Jan 2024
4 min read

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India's business loan market is surging, projected to reach a staggering $1.3 trillion by 2030. Fueled by a thriving startup ecosystem, rising MSME contributions (26.83% of GDP in 2021), and government initiatives like PM Mudra Loan Yojana (disbursed Rs. 4.5 trillion as of March 2023), entrepreneurs have more funding options than ever before.

Yet, navigating this vast ocean of loans can feel overwhelming.

This comprehensive guide is your anchor, providing you with the latest facts and data to chart your course and secure the ideal loan for your business voyage.

We'll help you understand your needs, demystify eligibility criteria, and explore diverse loan types like term loans (10% growth in originations FY21-22), working capital loans (30.4% growth in active loans FY21-22), and microfinance (22% growth in originations FY21-22).

Compare key factors like interest rates, processing fees, and prepayment penalties to avoid hidden costs and unlock the best deals.

We'll introduce you to top lenders along with valuable government schemes that can ease your eligibility burdens.

This guide is more than just a map; it's your compass, empowering you to make informed decisions and secure the financial fuel your business needs to thrive. So, unfurl your sails, captain, and let us guide you on a successful loan journey.

With the right knowledge and resources, you'll reach your desired financial harbor and set sail on a voyage of entrepreneurial triumph.

How to Secure the Perfect Business Loan in India

Understanding Your Needs –  Building a Solid Loan Roadmap

Before setting sail on your loan search, it's crucial to chart a clear course by understanding your financial voyage. Take some time for introspection and ask yourself these critical questions:

1. What's Your Loan Objective?

  • Expansionary Voyage: Are you hoisting the sails for ambitious growth plans, be it opening new branches, launching product lines, or expanding your market reach? A long-term term loan with a fixed interest rate could be your compass.

  • Smooth Sailing: Navigating Working Capital Waves: Is it choppy waters of day-to-day operations that need calming? A flexible working capital loan might be your anchor, providing quick access to funds to manage inventory, payroll, or unforeseen expenses.

  • Investing in the Fleet: Equipping for Future Journeys: Does your ship need an upgrade? Consider an equipment loan to acquire machinery, technology, or vehicles, propelling your business forward.

  • Stocking the Hold: Building Inventory Reserves: Is it time to replenish your stock or acquire new materials? A microfinance loan or inventory financing could be your fuel, especially for MSMEs seeking smaller yet vital financial injections.

2. How Much Funding Do You Need?

Be realistic about your needs. Don't overestimate, leaving yourself adrift in debt, but also ensure the loan is sufficient to reach your desired shore. Crunch the numbers, factor in repayment feasibility, and consider future financial projections to determine the ideal loan amount.

3. Assessing Your Seaworthiness: Gauging Repayment Capacity

Before casting your nets for a loan, take stock of your financial health. Analyze your current revenue streams, ongoing expenses, and potential future earnings. This self-assessment will help you navigate loan options with manageable repayment schedules and avoid drowning in debt.

4. Choosing the Right Tide: Selecting the Loan Tenure

Loan tenures are like tides – some ebb and flow quickly, while others move with measured grace. Choose a term that aligns with your repayment capacity and loan purpose. For long-term investments, a fixed-term loan with predictable interest rates might be ideal, while shorter tenures might be better suited for working capital needs.

"Remember, understanding your needs is the anchor that keeps your loan journey steady. Take the time to explore your options, chart your course, and navigate the loan landscape with confidence."

Types of Business Loans in India: Exploring the Loan Maze

With your needs charted, it's time to navigate the vast and dynamic loan landscape in India. Buckle up, for we're diving into the diverse array of loan types available to meet your business's unique aspirations:

1. Term Loans: Anchoring Growth with Predictability:

These loans are the sturdy galleons of the financial sea, offering fixed repayment schedules and interest rates over longer terms. They're ideal for ventures requiring significant upfront investments, like infrastructure expansion, equipment acquisition, or real estate purchases. Popular options include:

  • Project Finance Loans: Tailor-made for large-scale infrastructure projects with dedicated repayment plans linked to project revenue.

  • Capital Expenditure Loans: Fueling investments in machinery, technology upgrades, or new premises expansion.

  • Term Loans for Growth: Propelling ambitious growth plans with flexible repayment structures over extended periods.

2. Working Capital Loans: Weathering Day-to-Day Fluctuations:

Imagine these loans as nimble fishing boats, providing quick access to funds to navigate the choppy waters of daily operations. They offer flexible repayment options and cater to short-term needs like managing inventory, payroll, or unexpected expenses. Popular examples include:

  • Overdraft Facilities: Act as readily available credit lines, offering immediate access to funds within a pre-approved limit.

  • Cash Credit Accounts: Similar to overdrafts but with higher limits and potentially lower interest rates.

  • Trade Finance Loans: Facilitating smooth import and export operations by bridging the gap between purchase and sale cycles.

3. Empowering Small Sails with Micro-winds: Microfinance Loans

For micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), microfinance loans are like lifeboats, providing small yet crucial financial infusions. These government-backed or NBFC-offered loans typically have shorter repayment terms and can be used for:

  • Inventory Stocking: Replenishing stock or acquiring new materials for immediate business needs.

  • Equipment Upgrades: Investing in basic machinery or tools to enhance efficiency and productivity.

  • Working Capital Assistance: Providing short-term support for day-to-day operations in nascent businesses.

4. Secured Loans: Anchoring Stability with Collateral:

Think of these loans as majestic battleships, offering lower interest rates in exchange for security in the form of tangible assets like property, equipment, or inventory. They can be ideal for larger loan amounts or businesses seeking competitive rates. Popular options include:

  • Mortgage Loans: Secured by real estate property, often used for land acquisition, construction, or expansion projects.

  • Asset-backed Loans: Backed by machinery, vehicles, or other business assets, offering flexibility in terms and rates.

  • Gold Loans: A readily available option for immediate financial needs, secured by gold jewelry or ornaments.

5. Unsecured Loans: Embarking on the High Seas with Flexibility:

Unsecured loans, akin to nimble speedboats, offer quick access to funds without requiring collateral. This flexibility comes at the cost of potentially higher interest rates and may be suitable for smaller loan amounts or businesses with strong financials. Examples include:

  • Business Line of Credit: Similar to an overdraft but without the requirement of a current account.

  • Term Loans for MSMEs: Unsecured loans catering specifically to the needs of small and medium businesses.

  • Personal Loans for Business Use: A personal loan used for business purposes, although not ideal due to higher interest rates.

"Remember, choosing the right loan type is like selecting the perfect ship for your voyage. Carefully assess your needs, weigh the pros and cons of each option, and seek professional guidance to navigate the loan landscape with confidence and secure the ideal financial fuel for your business journey."

Also Read: Why is Business Insurance important for Entrepreneurs?

Demystifying Eligibility – Can You Secure the Loan?

So you've charted your course and chosen your vessel, but can you set sail? Demystifying your eligibility is the key to unlocking the treasure chest of business loans. Here are some crucial factors to consider:

1. Age and Wisdom: Sailing with Experience:

Just like navigating treacherous waters requires seasoned captains, most lenders prefer established businesses with a proven track record. This typically means having operated for at least 2-3 years, demonstrating stability and financial robustness. However, don't despair, young businesses may find government-backed schemes or NBFCs more open to supporting their entrepreneurial spirit.

2. Turning the Tide: Minimum Turnover Thresholds:

Think of your annual turnover as the wind propelling your ship. Each loan type has specific minimum turnover requirements, ensuring lenders that your business can comfortably handle the loan repayments. These requirements vary depending on the loan amount and type, ranging from Rs. 25 lakh for some MSME loans to Rs. 1 crore for term loans.

3. Credit Score: Your Financial Compass:

Your credit score acts as your financial compass, reflecting your past borrowing and repayment behavior. A healthy score above 700 signals responsible credit management and increases your chances of securing favorable loan terms and lower interest rates. Conversely, a low score can raise red flags for lenders, so diligently address any credit blemishes before embarking on your loan quest.

4. Charting the Paperwork: Essential Documentation:

To secure your loan, you'll need to prepare a treasure map of essential documents. This typically includes:

  • Financial Statements: Audited or certified balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements demonstrating your financial health.

  • Tax Returns: Proof of past tax compliance for the required number of years.

  • Business Plans & Projections: For larger loans, a well-crafted business plan showcasing your future growth potential may be necessary.

  • KYC Documents: Identity and address proof for directors and proprietors.

5. Navigating the Regulatory Waters: Additional Considerations:

Remember, the eligibility landscape can be dynamic, so consider these additional factors:

  • Industry & Sector: Certain industries may have specific eligibility criteria or government-backed schemes tailored to their needs.

  • Location: Some lenders may have geographical restrictions or offer special programs for specific regions.

  • Government Schemes: Explore government-backed schemes like CGTMSE or Mudra Loan Yojana, which offer lower eligibility barriers and attractive terms for MSMEs.

"Remember, thorough preparation and professional guidance can smooth your journey and lead you to the perfect financial harbor."

Finding Your Perfect Match – Unraveling the Mystery of Loan Options

With your needs charted, your eligibility assured, and the financial seas before you, it's time to find the perfect loan: your financial compass in the vast ocean of options. But beware, hidden shoals and unexpected currents lurk! So, arm yourself with knowledge and compare lender offerings with keen eyes:

1. Interest Rates: Navigating the Price Tag Maze:

Interest rates are the sirens of the loan world, their song tempting you with lower numbers. But resist the allure of immediate savings! Compare effective interest rates (EIRs) that factor in all charges, processing fees, and hidden costs. Remember, a slightly higher EIR with transparent terms and flexible features might be a safer harbor than a seemingly low rate riddled with hidden charges.

2. Processing Fees: Unmasking the Upfront Costs:

Like port taxes levied on entering a harbor, processing fees are inevitable but vary widely. Compare charges associated with loan applications, documentation, and appraisals. Negotiate, if possible, and seek transparency to avoid unexpected burdens on your financial voyage.

3. Prepayment Penalties: Charting Escape Routes:

Imagine being becalmed, yearning to raise your sails and leave a loan behind. Be sure to check for prepayment penalties, fees charged for repaying your loan early. Opt for flexible options with lower or no prepayment penalties, allowing you to adjust your course and reach financial freedom sooner.

4. Hidden Costs: Detecting the Pirates of the Loan Seas:

Beware the sirens' whispers! Beyond advertised rates and fees, lurk hidden costs like late payment charges, account maintenance fees, and foreclosure charges. Scrutinize loan agreements, seek professional advice, and choose lenders with transparent fee structures to avoid unpleasant financial surprises.

5. Loan Terms & Features: Choosing Your Ship's Rigging:

Just as different ships need varying rigging, loan terms and features should suit your specific needs. Compare loan tenures, repayment schedules, grace periods, and collateral requirements. Seek flexibility if your business is young or volatile, and consider features like top-up options or linked insurance for added security.

6. Lender Reputation & Service: Embarking with Trustworthy Captains:

Your loan journey is a partnership, so choose your lender wisely. Research their reputation, customer reviews, and complaint redressal mechanisms. Look for reliable institutions with a track record of transparency and ethical practices. Trustworthy captains, not just competitive rates, will ensure a smooth and successful voyage.

Top Lenders & Resources – Navigating the Market with Confidence

With your loan map unfurled and comparisons etched in your mind, it's time to set sail towards the ideal lender. But in a vast ocean of banks and NBFCs, finding the perfect harbor can feel daunting. Fear not, intrepid captain, for here's your compass to navigate the market with confidence:

1. Public Sector Banks: Anchoring Stability with Competitive Rates:

Think of public sector banks like majestic galleons – vast, established institutions offering stability and often the most competitive interest rates. Top players like SBI, Bank of Baroda, and PNB are reliable harbors for larger loan amounts and long-term needs. However, be prepared for potentially slower processing times and stricter eligibility requirements.

2. Private Sector Banks: Speed and Agility for Savvy Entrepreneurs:

Private sector banks, like sleek corvettes, prioritize speed and flexibility. HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Axis Bank excel in faster processing times and cater well to growing businesses with innovative loan products and features. While interest rates might be slightly higher, their agility and customer-centric approach can be advantageous for dynamic businesses.

3. NBFCs: Diverse Options for Specialized Needs:

NBFCs are like nimble fishing boats, offering diverse loan options tailored to specific industry needs or smaller loan amounts. Bajaj Finance, Capital First, and Tata Capital provide flexible repayment schedules and cater well to MSMEs, startups, or businesses in niche sectors. Be mindful of potentially higher interest rates compared to banks and thoroughly research specific NBFCs before setting sail.

5. Online Loan Aggregators: Your Charting Partner:

Don't navigate alone! Online loan aggregators act as experienced guides, comparing loan options from multiple lenders across all categories. Platforms like Paisabazaar, BankBazaar, and RupeeCircle help you quickly identify competitive rates, understand eligibility criteria, and even connect with representatives for personalized assistance.

Remember, choosing the right lender is like selecting the most favorable wind. Consider your needs, compare options critically, leverage government support where applicable, and seek guidance from reliable resources.

With a well-charted course and a keen eye, you'll reach the perfect financial harbor and set your business voyage on a course of success.

Best government schemes for getting business loan

While navigating the loan landscape, don't overlook the wind at your back – the mighty force of government schemes designed to propel your business journey. These initiatives offer valuable support, often with lower eligibility barriers and attractive terms, specifically for:

1. Micro-Entrepreneurs and MSMEs: PM Mudra Loan Yojana – Your Financial Lifeline:

Think of PM Mudra Loan Yojana as a sturdy fishing boat, providing microfinance loans to empower small businesses and entrepreneurs. Whether you need to restock inventory, upgrade equipment, or manage working capital, Mudra offers three loan categories: Shishu (up to Rs. 50,000), Kishore (Rs. 50,001 to Rs. 5 lakh), and Tarun (Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh). With simplified documentation and flexible repayment options, Mudra can be the missing sail that propels your micro-venture onward.

2. Reducing Collateral Hurdles: CGTMSE Scheme – Bridging the Gap with Confidence:

Imagine the CGTMSE Scheme as a sturdy bridge, spanning the gap between your business potential and collateral requirements. This credit guarantee scheme, offered by the Government of India, covers up to 75% of your loan amount – up to Rs. 1 crore – reducing your need for collateral and making banks more inclined to lend. This is a boon for smaller businesses or those lacking substantial tangible assets, allowing them to secure funding for growth and expansion.

3. Igniting Startups: Startup India Loan Scheme – Fueling Innovation with Advantage:

For the budding entrepreneurs out there, the Startup India Loan Scheme acts like a high-octane fuel injection for your innovative ventures. This scheme offers attractive interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and longer tenures, specifically catering to eligible startups across various sectors. Whether you're disrupting the tech scene or revolutionizing healthcare, this scheme can provide the financial oxygen your startup needs to soar.

4. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: Bridging the Financial Inclusion Gap for Businesses

Launched in 2014, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) holds more significance for businesses than simply offering bank accounts and debit cards to unbanked households. It's a revolutionary step towards financial inclusion, paving the way for businesses to reach millions previously excluded from the formal banking system. Here's how PMJDY empowers businesses:

1. Expanding the Customer Base: By bringing millions into the fold of formal banking, PMJDY creates a vast, untapped customer base for businesses. They can now access previously invisible markets, expand their reach, and tap into new consumer segments. Imagine reaching rural entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs, and small-scale traders who were once outside the banking net.

2. Facilitating Cashless Transactions: PMJDY promotes cashless transactions through RuPay Debit Cards issued to account holders. This translates to faster, safer, and more transparent transactions for businesses, reducing the risk of handling cash and streamlining financial operations. Think about accepting instant payments from customers who were previously reliant on cash, improving your cash flow and record-keeping.

3. Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT): The government utilizes PMJDY accounts to disburse subsidies, pensions, and other benefits directly to beneficiaries. This creates a reliable and efficient system for businesses to participate in government-backed schemes and cater to beneficiaries who were previously difficult to reach. Imagine receiving timely payments for government contracts or selling your products to subsidized beneficiaries through their PMJDY accounts.

4. Access to Credit and Financial Services: PMJDY account holders gain access to various financial services like overdraft facilities, microfinance loans, and insurance schemes. This opens doors for businesses to extend credit to previously unbankable customers, offer microfinance solutions, and tap into a new market for insurance products. Picture offering microloans to small businesses or insurance options tailored to the needs of your newly accessible customer base.

Securing Your Dream– Closing the Deal and Beyond

Once you've chosen the best loan, complete the formalities and prepare for loan disbursal. Remember:

  • Negotiate: Discuss interest rates and terms to secure the best possible deal.

  • Read the Fine Print: Thoroughly understand the loan agreement before signing.

  • Manage Your Loan: Maintain timely repayments and build a strong credit history.

With the right knowledge and guidance, securing the best business loan in India 2024 is within your reach. Remember, the perfect loan is not just about the lowest interest rate but also one that aligns with your unique business needs and goals


This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Think With Niche provides a platform for knowledge sharing. Readers are encouraged to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions or acting upon the information provided in this article.

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