World Consumer Rights Day 2022 – History, Celebration, and Theme

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World Consumer Rights Day 2022 – History, Celebration, and Theme
08 Mar 2022
4 min read

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Every year on March 15th, the consumer movement commemorates World Consumer Rights Day to raise global awareness of consumer rights and demands. Celebrating the day is an opportunity to demand that all consumers' rights be recognized and safeguarded, as well as to protest market abuses and social injustices that jeopardize those rights. #TWN

World Consumer Rights Day 2022

Buyers' rights to know the quality, price, purity, and other pertinent information about the goods and services they wish to acquire are known as consumer rights.

Consumers Rights Day is observed on March 15 to promote awareness about this right. It contributes to worldwide consumer rights awareness and the battle against social injustice.

The day also emphasizes the importance of a fair, safe, and sustainable marketplace, which has not always been the case. Consumer rights also underline the importance of treating individuals from all walks of life with respect.

Consumer Rights Day in India

In India, December 24 is observed as National Consumer Rights Day, also known as National Consumer Day, to commemorate the President of India's assent to the Consumer Protection Act on that date in 1986. The day's goal is to educate customers about their rights and obligations.

When and where will World Consumer Rights Day be commemorated?

This day is commemorated all across the world on 15th March.

Who celebrates World Consumer Rights Day?

Consumers, shopkeepers, and business organizations are all invited to the celebration.

When was the first World Consumer Rights Day?

The first commemoration of this day took place in 1983.

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Who was the founder of World Consumer Rights Day?

The ceremonies of this national day began on March 15, when US President John F Kennedy delivered an address to the US Congress.

Consumer Rights Day: History And Timeline

Consumers have the right to know everything there is to know about the products and services they want to buy. Let's take a look back at the day's events.

1960: International Organization of Consumers Unions Was Started

Elizabeth Schadee founded the International Organization of Consumer Unions (IOCU). Consumers International was born out of this group.

1962: John F. Kennedy Addressed The Issue

President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech on consumer rights to the United States Congress. For all customers, he highlighted the right to be informed, the right to be heard, safety, and the right to choose.

1983: World Consumer Rights Day Was Announced

For the first time in history, a day was set aside to raise awareness about the rights of buyers.

1985: General Guidelines Were Approved

The United Nations approved general standards for consumer protection.

2021: Plastic Pollution Theme

The year 2021's topic was "plastic pollution." Plastic pollution is one of the most important problems confronting the globe today. Its goal was to bring attention to the seriousness of plastic pollution and to identify long-term solutions to the plastics dilemma. Previous festivities have focused on other critical topics.

World Consumer Rights Day Theme 2022

Every year on March 15th, the consumer movement comes together to highlight a major issue that affects consumers around the world. Fair Digital Finance was chosen as the worldwide subject this year by the Membership of Consumers International, which represents 200 consumer organizations from 100 countries.

The number of people who use digital banking is estimated to reach 3.6 billion by 2024. In the developing world, the percentage of account holders that send and receive payments digitally has increased from 57% in 2014 to 70% in 2017. Digital finance opens up new possibilities, but it also introduces new risks that could result in unfavorable consumer outcomes. The most vulnerable may be more likely to be left behind as a result of digital money.

The first-ever worldwide dialogue on the consumer vision for fair digital finance will take place on World Consumer Rights Day.

Traditions and Customs

People talk about consumer rights and raise consumer awareness on this day.

Ways to Observe or Celebrate World Consumer Rights Day

The best approach to commemorate this day is to learn more about consumer rights and to take action to raise awareness.

Different countries have different norms and procedures, and understanding them will enable you to make more educated decisions. Other methods to commemorate this day include attending online lectures and engaging in campaigns. You can speak out against plastic waste and other environmental consequences of the buyer-seller interaction.

Consumer Rights Day Facts and Stats

  • This day is important for educating people about their consumer rights and preventing fraud. The importance of the Consumer Protection Act is emphasized.
  • This day is significant in terms of preventing exploitation and unequal treatment. This day is important in promoting sustainable consumption and bringing attention to global issues such as plastic litter.
  • Raising consumer knowledge is the first and most critical step in ensuring that consumers are constantly protected. As a result, today is extremely significant.

Also Read: World Consumer Rights Day - Your Rights Also Matter!

What ‘World Consumer Rights Day’ Means for Financial Inclusion

Consumers International isn't afraid to say what it thinks.

According to CI, the world has been mired in an "ongoing crisis in financial consumer protection" since the global financial crisis. According to CI, a world federation that serves as the "only independent and authoritative global voice for consumers," the crisis causes a "myriad of problems for consumers all over the world."

Consumers International is a federation of consumer organizations that has previously focused primarily on physical products such as safe car seats and dependable appliances. Significantly, CI is entering the financial services market for the first time this year.

World Consumer Rights Day is on March 15, and CI has chosen financial services as its focus as part of its Consumers for Fair Financial Services campaign. It is urging the G20 to adopt its consumer protection recommendations in financial services. This campaign will also be highlighted at CI's annual forum, which will be held in Hong Kong in May. Consumers International primarily represents consumers in higher-income countries, making the G20's financial inclusion initiative a pertinent focus.

We at Think With Niche are pleased that CI is addressing this issue. We look forward to collaborating with CI to ensure that the global client protection movement meets the needs of low-income people in low-income countries, as well as credit card users in the United States and Europe.

As a result, we're very excited about World Consumer Rights Day this year, and we hope you are as well.


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