World EV Day 2022: The Country That Sells The Most Electric Vehicles

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World EV Day 2022: The Country That Sells The Most Electric Vehicles
09 Sep 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

Every year, World Electrical Vehicle (EV) Day is observed on the 9th September. World EV Day is the celebration for e-mobility. Air pollution is mainly caused by transportation. World EV Day celebrates awareness and encourages people to make the switch to sustainable transportation. Electric Vehicles will be the predominant mode of transportation in the future. Many countries around the globe are switching to Electrical Vehicles to achieve their zero-emissions goal

World EV Day should gain momentum quickly, bring more EVs into the mainstream faster, and boost support for cleaner motoring. Automakers will have to prioritize the needs of their customers if there is more demand for EVs. This can be done faster and more efficiently with government incentives and charging infrastructure.

China has been the largest producer and seller electric vehicles since 2019. Electric vehicles produce less pollution, so it is recommended that people prefer to use them. The majority of people in Norway use Electrical Vehicles. According to data from previous years, China sold 51.7 percent of all EVs worldwide. According to statistical reports, China sold more electrical vehicles in 2021 than all the other countries. China is expected to produce approximately 1.3 million Battery Electric Vehicles by 2023. China will be the world's leader in Electric Vehicle production over the next few years.

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