2-day Paid Period Leave For Female Delivery Agents in Swiggy

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2-day Paid Period Leave For Female Delivery Agents in Swiggy
23 Oct 2021
6 min read

News Synopsis

To empower more women to become delivery agents at Swiggy, the company has announced a new policy wherein it will allow women delivery agents a 'no questions asked' 2-days period leave every month. Period pain is one of the major reasons why women often don't participate in outgoing jobs such as delivery agents. That's why Swiggy has taken this step to ensure more women become a part of the company's working force. 

Swiggy currently has close to 1,000 female delivery agents and the company wants to expand the number. The menstruation cycle has been cited by many researchers as one of the major reasons why women tend to not take part in field jobs. But more and more companies are now coming up with new policies that will give period leave to women. 

Last year Zomato too had announced a 10 days period of leave for women employees. If more companies follow this trend, more women would be able to take field jobs like being delivery agents. 

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