Save Mature Trees To Save Yourself

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Save Mature Trees To Save Yourself
09 Oct 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

At Think With Niche, we believe that the spirit of environmentalism is primary to many other debates going around the world at the moment, apart from restoring nature, science can be of great help to humanity in order to fight against global warming. Researchers at the University of Birmingham have found ground-breaking discoveries, they have come across facts that if oak trees are researched on, they are known to absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide from the air and moreover the good news is that since there has been an increase in carbon emissions and they are expected to reach high levels by 2050, potent mature oak trees can save us from the harmful effects of such emissions. 

In the study conducted by the University of Birmingham which lasted for ten years, it was observed that 175-year-old oak trees increased their photosynthesis in response to an increase in CO2 levels in their environment. The research was conducted at a Free Air CO2 Enrichment facility at the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research,  which is working in close contact with Western Sydney University, which is conducting similar experiments of old eucalyptus trees. 

At Think With Niche, such pieces of news bring us great joy knowing the fact mother earth can be saved from the ailments caused by humankind, and nature itself has an answer to help us. 

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