Researchers At Stanford Make Self Navigating Smart Cane

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Researchers At Stanford Make Self Navigating Smart Cane
18 Oct 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

Researchers at Stanford University have made a cane that will not only help the visually impaired with walking but will also notify them about any type of obstacle and identify any object in their path. This is not the first time that a smart cane has been invented and developed. Previously invented canes were heavy in weight and were costly at the same time. But currently available canes are technologically limited and can detect the objects in front of the person only. But the augmented canes can be assembled at home and have a cutting edge sensor and weigh only 3 pounds. 

The researchers at Stanford hope that their cane can be helpful to all the visually impaired people all around the world.It includes LIDAR, a sensor that helps in detecting the objects at a distance and is commonly used in self-driving cars and aircraft. It also has GPS, accelerometer, magnetometers, and gyroscopes. Kochenderfer, an associate professor at Stanford University has said that it is still a prototype and there are still a lot of things that still need to be looked upon. He also said that he is ready to welcome partners who can streamline the design and can help to scale up the production of the canes at an affordable price.