Number of Sellers of Flipkart Reached 25 Thousand in three years in Haryana

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Number of Sellers of Flipkart Reached 25 Thousand in three years in Haryana
08 Jun 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

The number of sellers of Flipkart has increased to about 25 thousand in the last three years in Hariyana. At the same time, more than 69 thousand people have got employment in the state. It is a means, which is not only helping in economic growth, but is also working to provide direct and indirect employment to thousands of people in the states. In this too, Flipkart is in the first place, which is India's first domestic e-commerce platform, which is at the forefront of connecting millions of customers with local sellers.

In the last 3 years, the number of sellers of Flipkart in Haryana has almost doubled to 25,000, making it the 6th largest seller center of Flipkart across India. Being the most preferred platform of sellers by reaching out to customers across India, increasing revenue potential, is in itself a new record for e-commerce platforms. 

Today, Flipkart has established its state-of-the-art supply-chain-network at key locations such as Binola, Bilaspur, Luhari, Ballabhgarh and Farrukhnagar including Haryana, connecting sellers with customers across India as well as an opportunity for the growth of the state. provide. Currently, Flipkart has over 12 supply-chain facilities including fulfillment and sorting centers and Flipkart has provided around 69,000 direct and indirect local job opportunities in the state through 108 delivery hubs.

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