NASA is Establishing Team to Study UFOs

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NASA is Establishing Team to Study UFOs
10 Jun 2022
min read

News Synopsis

NASA announced on Thursday that it is assembling researchers to examine “unidentified aerial phenomena,” a word the federal authorities use to consult what is typically referred to as UFOs.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration stated analyzing this phenomenon from a systematic angle can be of interest for both nationwide safety and air safety. It stated there was “no evidence” that UAPs are extraterrestrial in origin. Astrophysicist David Spergel, the president of the Simons Foundation in New York City, who will lead the study team said, “We will identify what data, from civilians, government, non-profits companies, exist, what tesla we should try to collect, and how to best analyze it.”

U.S. defense officials released footage of unidentified flying objects a final month at some point of the primary congressional listening in more than half a century.

NASA has also said that terminated number of observations of UAPs makes it difficult to draw scientific conclusions about the nature of such events. NASA will also hold a public meeting to discuss the findings of the study’s conclusion. 

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