Mozilla Adds New Features to Desktop and Mobile VPN

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Mozilla Adds New Features to Desktop and Mobile VPN
03 Feb 2022
5 min read

News Synopsis

The company behind the popular web browser, Firefox has started introducing new updates to its desktop and mobile VPN offerings. Mozilla is adding one of Firefox’s popular add-ons, Multi-Account Containers to the desktop and multi-hop features to Android along with the iOS version of the VPN service.

The company has said that the company is looking for ways to offer privacy within its products. It has also been said that the company is also combining one of users’ favourite Firefox Add ons, multi-account containers, with Mozilla VPN, its fast and easy-to-use VPN service, to offer a unique, privacy solution that is only available in Firefox.

Firefox’ Multi-account containers would allow users to separate different parts of their online activities. It has already launched a multi-hop feature on the desktop that allows people to use two VPN servers and is now the same features is now introduced for phones.