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Large tech companies will self-regulate to reduce harmful content in New Zealand

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Large tech companies will self-regulate to reduce harmful content in New Zealand
25 Jul 2022
5 min read

News Synopsis

Big tech companies today negotiated to limit negative online material within New Zealand, making a decision that was criticized by critics as a way to avoid the possibility of regulation by the government.

Meta Platforms Inc, Alphabet-owned Google, TikTok, Inc and Twitter have signed a code of ethics according to Netsafe, an internet safety group funded by the government group.The companies will follow the code of conduct as self-regulation, Netsafe chief Brent Carey said in a press release. 

"There is a lot of New Zealanders being victimized and harassed online, which is the reason the industry has come together to protect people," Carey said in an announcement.

The companies' adherence to obligations, such as decreasing harmful information online, disclosing how they do so, and allowing independent evaluation of results, would be under the supervision of industry lobbying organisation NZTech.

According to NZTech CEO Graeme Muller, "We think the governance framework will enable it to adapt alongside local realities, while at the same time protecting the fundamental rights of freedom of expression." In statements, Meta and TikTok expressed their enthusiasm for the code that will make internet platforms safer and more open.

However, interest groups demand more information, such as a system for public complaints and punishment for any noncompliance by the firms. They further emphasise that an industry organisation, not the government, is in charge of managing the accord.

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