Google Chrome Enhances Password Security with Automatic Background Checks

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Google Chrome Enhances Password Security with Automatic Background Checks
23 Dec 2023
4 min read

News Synopsis

Google has recently rolled out an array of updates for its desktop version of Google Chrome, emphasizing user safety and reinforcing the browser's security features.

The standout update comes in the form of a proactive Safety Check that seamlessly operates in the background, commencing with Chrome 120.

Here's how Safety Check safeguards your online experience:

The most noteworthy feature is the automatic background Safety Check, a proactive measure designed to alert users regarding compromised passwords within Chrome or the installation of potentially harmful extensions

  • Compromised Password Alerts: It instantly notifies you if any of your saved passwords have been compromised in a data breach, urging you to take swift action to protect your accounts.

  • Harmful Extension Detection: It scans for potentially harmful extensions that could put your privacy and security at risk, ensuring you're only using trusted tools.

  • Browser Update Reminders: It gently reminds you to keep Chrome updated to the latest version, as updates often contain critical security patches and bug fixes.

  • Unused Site Permission Revocation: Safety Check proactively revokes permissions granted to sites that you haven't visited in a while, preventing them from accessing sensitive data like your location or microphone.

  • Notification Overload Control: It asks if you want to disable sites that send excessive notifications, helping you tame the notification chaos.

Additional Enhancements:

Enhanced Memory Saver Mode Details

Furthermore, Chrome's Memory Saver mode has undergone enhancements, now providing detailed information upon hovering over a tab. Introduced in 2022, this mode optimizes device memory by freeing up resources from unused tabs, thereby conserving battery life.

Users can now customize settings to specify which sites should not enter sleep mode, offering greater flexibility in managing browser performance.

Customizable Sleep Settings:

You can now specify which sites you want to keep active and prevent from going to sleep, ensuring uninterrupted access to important tools and services.

Upcoming Features with Gemini AI

In the pipeline, Chrome will introduce a tab group saving feature, allowing seamless synchronization of tab groups across multiple desktop devices. This enhancement simplifies users' ability to resume browsing sessions seamlessly.

Additionally, Google hinted at forthcoming functionalities powered by Gemini, their new AI model, expected to debut in Chrome early next year. While google CEO Sundar Pichai has alluded to Gemini's integration into Chrome, specifics on its practical application are eagerly anticipated.

Looking Ahead: AI-Powered Features and Tab Group Sync

Google has exciting features in the pipeline, powered by its cutting-edge AI model, Gemini:

  • Syncing Tab Groups Across Devices: In the coming weeks, you'll be able to seamlessly sync your tab groups across desktop devices, allowing you to pick up your browsing sessions right where you left off.

  • Gemini-Enhanced Chrome: Early next year, Chrome will integrate Gemini's capabilities, potentially opening doors to more personalized experiences, intelligent task completion, and innovative ways to interact with the web.

Stay tuned with #Think With Niche for these advancements as Google continues to prioritize user security and convenience in its flagship browser.

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