Want To Help The Planet Get A Fairphone

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Want To Help The Planet Get A Fairphone
07 Oct 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

One would want to ask, “What is a Fair phone?”, the answer to this is that Fair phone is a company based in Amsterdam, founded by Tessa Wernink and Bas Van Abel in 2013, they create planet-friendly smartphones which are known to have a less negative impact on the planet. These are created in such a way that they are repairable, upgradeable, and serve for a long time. One must understand that the longer they keep a phone, the lesser is the environmental impact. According to the reports, the company tries to recycle electronic waste and conducts research methods to repair its phones. Hence it helps to create a cycle of using electronic waste, fairer technology and spread awareness among people to be ethically aware so that they become environmental-friendly. 

The company assures its customers that its products are built with a powerful internal structure, along with Android updates. The company promises a modular design, which allows the phone to be modified and repaired easily. It comes with a 5G compatibility and a 5-year warranty and is electronic-waste neutral. The operates on Andriod 11, an e-SIM slot for an additional number, a 48 MP camera and allows the users  6 GB/128 GB and 8 GB/256 GB storage.