Netflix Gives Users Double Thumbs-Up Button

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Netflix Gives Users Double Thumbs-Up Button
13 Apr 2022
4 min read

News Synopsis

The Streaming Giant, Netflix is providing users with the ability to appreciate the content they like and indicate the type of series or movie they want to watch on Netflix with a new double thumb-up feature. The new feature has been added to the company button, allowing users to give their content thumbs-up or thumbs-down.

According to Netflix, the original two options are a good way for users to let the company know how they feel and get suggestions for personalised content. However, it added that thumbs-up and thumbs-down may not fully capture the viewers' emotions.

Netflix announced a new category last week on its @NetflixIsAJoke Twitter account by quote-tweeting the April 2 SNL rap video that joked about people wanting to watch shorter films. 

Netflix faces more competition in the streaming world and is regularly in the spotlight of users with AT&T Inc's HBO, Apple Inc's Apple TV+, and more.

The company is also considering charging users who share a Netflix account. Streaming services have been testing this model in Peru, Costa Rica and Chile since last month. This move marks a turning point for companies that have been ignoring passwords, a common practice among Netflix users for years.

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