Google Maps Announced a New India-first Feature

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Google Maps Announced a New India-first Feature
29 Jan 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

Google has announced a new India-first feature on Google Maps that would allow users to find out their current location along with finding the Plus Codes address for their homes.

Plus Codes are free and open-sourced addresses that give out the simplest and most accurate address for any place on the earth. Google Maps has said that they are testing this feature in India for almost a month and 300,000 users have already taken up the benefits of its new feature.

Plus codes have been adopted at scale by NGOs in India ever since its launch in 2018. Plus Codes are based on longitude and latitude and are displayed as a short sequence of numbers and letters. 

The new feature will be available under the ‘Home’ location on Google Maps, Users will see a new option saying Use your current location. It will be used to generate the Plus Code for the address. The update also introduces an option to save the locations. It is only available for Android only.

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