COP28 Summit: Negotiators Grapple with Fossil Fuels and Future of Climate Action

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COP28 Summit: Negotiators Grapple with Fossil Fuels and Future of Climate Action
08 Dec 2023
5 min read

News Synopsis

The United Nations climate conference, entering its final week, gears up to address a critical topic— the future of fossil fuels. Amidst a day of respite, negotiators are set to tackle the Global Stocktake, evaluating global climate progress since the Paris Agreement in 2015. The primary aim remains preventing the planet from surpassing its warming limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to preindustrial levels.

The Dynamics of Negotiations

Announced by COP28 CEO Annan Amin, the negotiation process sees varying emotions, from hope to challenges. Amidst ongoing talks, a draft of the Global Stocktake circulates, awaiting the input of global leaders. However, it's a document filled with possibilities, leaving the final outcome uncertain. The critical phase arrives, as senior officials must navigate tough political decisions regarding the phase-out of fossil fuels.

Global Positions and Challenges

While some countries and climate advocates rally for a firm commitment to phase out fossil fuels, resistance is expected. EU nations, vulnerable island states, and progressive Latin American countries align in advocating for this crucial shift. The pressure on negotiators is immense, particularly from representatives of vulnerable nations and climate activists.

Next Year's Host Decision

Thursday saw progress in deciding next year's COP29 host, resolving conflicts between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The talks had been stymied by disagreements, with Russia vetoing EU countries and Azerbaijan and Armenia contesting each other's bids. The announcement on the location and presidency of next year's climate summit is imminent.

Youth Day Amplifies Calls for Stronger Action

As the conference designated Friday as youth day, emphasis is placed on involving young people in climate activism, given that they'll bear the brunt of decisions made at COP28. While the absence of prominent activist Greta Thunberg is notable, youth-led activism is anticipated to intensify during the conference.

Relevant and Latest Facts for COP28 News:

Fossil Fuel Phase-Out:

  • Latest IPCC report: The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released in August 2023 reiterated the urgent need for a rapid and just phase-out of fossil fuels to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

  • Growing support: Over 80 countries, including the EU and small island nations, have expressed support for a global phase-out of fossil fuels.

  • Industry resistance: The fossil fuel industry remains a powerful lobby and is pushing back against efforts to phase out their products.

Global Stocktake:

  • Current draft remains vague: The draft Global Stocktake lacks specifics on emissions reduction targets and pathways for achieving them.

  • Negotiator concerns: Some negotiators are concerned that the final document will be watered down due to political pressure.

  • Importance of clarity: A clear and ambitious Global Stocktake is crucial for guiding global action on climate change.

COP29 Host:

  • Azerbaijan confirmed as host: With Armenia withdrawing its candidacy, Azerbaijan is now confirmed as the host for COP29 in 2024.

  • Concerns about human rights and environmental record: The choice of Azerbaijan has been criticized due to concerns about its human rights record and environmental policies.

  • Transparency and accountability: Ensuring transparency and accountability will be crucial for a successful COP29 in Azerbaijan.

Youth Activism:

  • Growing youth movement: The youth climate movement continues to gain momentum, with young people demanding action from policymakers.

  • Increased participation: More young people are attending and participating in climate conferences like COP28.

  • Greta Thunberg's absence: Greta Thunberg's decision not to attend COP28 highlights the need for diverse voices and perspectives in the climate movement.

Additional Facts :

  • The current rate of global emissions is not on track to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

  • Climate change impacts are already being felt around the world, with more extreme weather events and rising sea levels.

  • The costs of inaction on climate change will be far greater than the costs of taking action.


Note: This information is updated as of December 8, 2023. It is important to stay informed about the latest developments in the climate change negotiations and the COP28 conference.


As COP28 enters its final stretch, the focus remains on achieving a tangible outcome that reflects the urgency of the climate crisis. Negotiators face a challenging task in balancing diverse perspectives and finding common ground.

The commitment to phase-out fossil fuels is a critical point of debate, and the final document will be scrutinized to gauge the ambition and direction of future climate action. While challenges remain, the determination of young people and the promise of collaboration offer hope for a brighter future.

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