COP28 Draft Emphasizes Urgent Climate Adaptation by 2030

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COP28 Draft Emphasizes Urgent Climate Adaptation by 2030
11 Dec 2023
4 min read

News Synopsis

In a preliminary draft of a crucial climate document released ahead of COP28, it's stipulated that by 2025, all nations should have comprehensive strategies in place to adapt to the existing and future impacts of climate change.

This draft stresses that by 2030, significant progress in executing these strategies must be evident, aiming to address the pressing need for global adaptation.

Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) and COP28 Agenda

The final version of the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) document, expected to be integrated into the outcome of COP28, accentuates a fundamental aspect often overshadowed by 'mitigation' efforts—adaptation. While mitigation focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation is equally crucial in helping nations confront and manage the repercussions of climate change.

Significance of Climate Adaptation

  • Defining Adaptation: Climate adaptation involves ecological, social, and economic adjustments that countries must undertake to confront current and projected climate effects. This encompasses a broad spectrum of actions, including constructing flood defenses, implementing early warning systems, transitioning to resilient crops, and revamping communication networks, business operations, and government policies.

  • Evolution of GGA: The need for a GGA was recognized during COP21 in Paris, emphasizing the necessity for a unified adaptation framework. Subsequently, discussions held after the last COP proposed quantifiable targets to measure global adaptability.

The Cost of Climate Adaptation

As with mitigation efforts requiring substantial investments, adaptation necessitates trillions of dollars, especially in vulnerable regions. However, the allocation of funds to these areas has been minimal, creating a significant gap in financing.

National Perspectives on Climate Adaptation

  • India's Efforts: India highlighted that it has been funding a significant portion of its adaptation costs internally, showcasing a rise in adaptation-relevant expenditure from 3.7% to 5.6% of its GDP between 2015-16 and 2021-22. However, it also stressed the need for substantial financial contributions from bilateral, multilateral, and private sources to bridge the gap.

Expert Perspectives on COP28 Draft on Adaptation

  • Expert Disappointment: Dr. Anand Patwardhan expressed dissatisfaction with the adaptation document, citing a lack of specific targets and framework definitions. The absence of defined outcomes in the draft may hinder progress in developing countries.

  • Call for Climate Finance Commitment: Sameer Kwatra urged developed nations to provide ambitious commitments for climate finance and technology to support adaptive measures. The current document was deemed lacking in specific financial pledges.

  • Urgency in Financing: Analyst Arun Krishnan highlighted the disproportionate allocation of climate finance, with only a fraction directed towards adaptation. He emphasized the urgent need to amplify financing, suggesting India should establish a comprehensive fund dedicated to adaptation and resilience.

Implications for India and the Need for Increased Domestic Funding

The GGA implies that India needs to further increase its domestic capital allocation for adaptation. Experts suggest setting up a new fund with a broader mandate than the existing National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change to cover all aspects of adaptation and resilience.


The COP28 draft on the Global Goal on Adaptation highlights the urgency of prioritizing adaptation efforts. While the proposed targets and framework lack clarity and ambition, the GGA represents a significant step towards a global response to climate change impacts.

Developed nations need to step up with increased financial and technological support to enable vulnerable countries to adapt and build resilience. Meanwhile, India must continue its significant domestic investment in adaptation and consider establishing a new, comprehensive adaptation fund to address the growing challenges posed by climate change.

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