AI Contributes to the Megatrend of Electrification of Everything, Which Can Reduce GHG Emissions

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AI Contributes to the Megatrend of Electrification of Everything, Which Can Reduce GHG Emissions
30 Jun 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

Due to record high temperatures, an ice shelf the size of New York City collapsed in Antarctica in March. It is just one of the symptoms of the global climate crisis, which affects us all. Millions of people have already had their homes or businesses damaged, and some have died as a result of fires, floods, droughts, and storms. The climate crisis has arrived, and we must act quickly because the future of climate change is in our hands. The global pandemic has served as a wake-up call for businesses to prioritise environmental sustainability as a business imperative.

Dr. Tanya Morton, MathWorks' worldwide director of customer success engineering, spoke with Business Insider India about how organisations are leveraging emerging technologies like artificial intelligence to achieve their environmental sustainability goals. Tanya has spent over 26 years at the cutting edge of innovation, engineering, and science. She is committed to sustainability and leads an initiative to help MathWorks customers understand and address climate change.

The impact is substantial. It's encouraging to see how many businesses are beginning to take action to address the climate crisis. Corporations, according to stakeholder capitalism, are responsible not only to their shareholders, but also to their employees, suppliers, communities, and the environment. Over 5,000 businesses, for example, have signed up for the Race to Zero global campaign and committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. It is part of a growing trend to rethink how businesses operate and for whom.

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