Instagram's AI Assistant May Soon Help You Craft Smarter DMs: What We Know So Far

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Instagram's AI Assistant May Soon Help You Craft Smarter DMs: What We Know So Far
10 Feb 2024
5 min read

News Synopsis

Instagram, in its continuous exploration of artificial intelligence (AI) enhancements since the launch of Meta AI by its parent company, is reportedly working on a groundbreaking AI message-writing feature. The leak, shared by mobile developer Alessandro Paluzzi on X (formerly Twitter), unveils an intriguing aspect that allows users to reshape, rephrase, and stylize their written messages within Instagram direct messages (DM).

AI Message-Writing Feature Unveiled: What to Expect?

The leaked details showcase a screenshot where selected typed text in a chat box presents the option "Write With AI." Paluzzi shed light on its potential functionality, stating, "It will probably paraphrase your message in different styles, similar to how Google's Magic Compose works."

While specifics about the AI message-writing feature remain undisclosed, the need for users to manually select and highlight text implies that the AI won't autonomously generate messages within the text field. Essentially, it acts as an AI text editor, offering features like rewriting, summarizing, tonality adjustments, style structure changes, and contextual content additions.

Writing with AI on Instagram DMs: Reimagine, Rephrase, and Refine

A mobile developer uncovered details about the upcoming feature, revealing an "AI Assistant" option appearing when text is selected in a DM chat. This suggests the AI won't autonomously generate messages but serve as an "AI text editor" for users to rewrite, paraphrase, and modify their messages in various styles. Similar to Google's Magic Compose, users can expect functionalities like:

  • Rewriting: Get different takes on your message with varied phrasing and sentence structures.

  • Paraphrasing: Express the same idea with different words, maintaining clarity and intent.

  • Stylistic Changes: Adjust the tone and formality of your message to suit the context.

  • Enhancing Context: Add relevant information to enrich your message.

Instagram's Existing AI Capabilities: Meta AI and Content Generation

Instagram's AI capabilities extend beyond mere text editing. Users can leverage the @Meta AI command in any chat, followed by their message, and witness the AI's response. This functionality is currently limited to the United States. Notably, Meta AI claims to read only the tagged message, ensuring privacy for the remaining text in the chat. It cannot respond to subsequent queries unless specifically tagged.

Threads Testing Post-Saving Feature: What to Anticipate?

In parallel developments, Meta's social media platform Threads is testing a post-saving feature. Users will soon be able to bookmark their preferred posts by tapping the "Save" option. Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram overseeing Threads, likened the feature to Instagram's existing Bookmark functionality. While no official rollout date has been announced, expectations are high for beta testers and regular users to experience this feature in the near future.

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