In UP, sustainable Dutch initiatives are helping to quadruple agricultural revenue

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In UP, sustainable Dutch initiatives are helping to quadruple agricultural revenue
04 Sep 2021
8 min read

News Synopsis

The Dutch ambassador to India, Martin van den Berg was on a two-day visit to the state capital Lucknow, where he launched an exclusive drive to help the dairy farmers of the state to learn the pattern of farming from the Netherlands. This project will help the farmers become more sustainable and increase their income near double the original. He explained how the Dutch techniques will help the dairy farmers increase their income and increase milk productivity. He revealed how various plants are being set up across the state to convert solid waste into energy and make the state self-sustainable. There are talks to establish such sustainable plants across India once they get successful in Uttar Pradesh. The Dutch will provide measures to the tanneries to reduce water consumption for cleaning animal hide which generally requires a lot of water and will also help clean the Ganga river.  Apart from working on all these projects, the Dutch plan to help convert solid waste to construction material and help conversion of energy from farm waste.

We believe that the above-proposed projects shall act as a balm to the wounded environmental state of Uttar Pradesh’s dairy sector as well as the tannery industry and help scale down pollution levels and make the state sustainability aware. The future perspectives seem bright for the dairy farmers and the entire state altogether. 

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