5 Tips To Improve Your SEO ranking

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5 Tips To Improve Your SEO ranking
31 Aug 2021
7 min read

Blog Post

SEO ranking is a crucial tool to increase the traffic of your website. Over the past few years, the role of SEO has gone up crucially. Learn more about SEO and how to improve your SEO rankings. #ThinkwithNiche.

Over the last few years, the role of SEO or Search Engine Optimization has increased substantially. Since websites rely on Google search for traffic generation, it's important for a website to rank higher on Google pages. The higher a website ranks, the more chance it has to attract large traffic. This is exactly where SEO comes in. The role of SEO is to make your website rank higher in Google search through various tools.

These tools such as blog highlights, keywords, hashtags, etc. help websites or blogs to improve their SEO rankings. That's why now many blogs have a separate team to handle SEO. But if you are starting out your blog or website and don’t have the resources to hire a whole team, here are some useful ways to improve your SEO rankings.

1. Improve Your Loading Speed

Your loading speed is a huge factor when it comes to SEO rankings. First of all, Google doesn't like websites with slower loading speeds and thus ranks them lower. On top of that, slow loading speed will increase your abandonment rate and that will affect your traffic. Researches show that the loading speed of a website shouldn't be more than 3 seconds. Ideally, it should fall between 1-2 seconds.

2. Optimize Your Images

Attaching images to your blogs is great but all efforts will go in vain if you don't optimize your images. Image optimization refers to factors such as file size, file description, etc. If you have attached an image that's huge in size then it will affect your loading speed, which as we said, will hurt your website. It's little things like this that hugely affect your SEO ranking.

3. Add More Headings And Subheadings

Google prefers websites or blogs that have a good number of headings and subheadings. It is said that each subheading should contain only 300 words. This is so that people can easily skim read your blog. Plus header makes your blog looks arranged and well thought out. All this adds to your SEO ranking.

4. Use Outbound Links

Adding outbound links, i.e links to other blogs or research papers, etc. will help your website rank higher on Google search. This happens because people don’t like claims that aren't backed by facts. If you make empty claims on your blog without giving any evidence to support it, the credibility of your website will be affected. Hence, whatever claim or the fact you present in your blog, attaching the link to the original source is a great way to gain more credibility.

5. Do Not Use Passive Voice

If your blog has more than 25% of passive voice, it will affect the SEO ranking of your blog. Google prefers blogs that are written in active voice. Apparently, more readers prefer the clarity of active voice rather than the contrived nature of passive voice. I know sometimes it's impossible to not use passive voice, but remember not more than 25% of your whole text.

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