Popularity or money what drives teen to influencing market

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Popularity or money what drives teen to influencing market
01 Nov 2021
4 min read

Blog Post

The rise of the internet in India has resulted in an increase in the number of influencers in the country. This blog explores why teen influence is on the rise across the country, as well as what motivates them to enter the influencing market. #ThinkWithNiche

India is on the verge of digitalization. While the tariffs offered in the country are one of the cheapest in the world, the Digital India campaign, initiated by the PM of India, has further increased the internet subscribers in the country.

Why does teen love to influence

After reading several influencer interviews and articles, I came to the conclusion that everyone does it for different purposes. Some people enjoy being quirky in front of the camera, while others work hard to get brands. While some do it for the money, others do it for popularity and attention. The aura of movie stardom has always seemed bright and unmatched. Teenagers are eager to discover their hidden talents and showcase them to the rest of the world.

Is influencing a simple task?

To some, such content may appear cringe-worthy, but it takes hard work to dance in front of a camera, especially in portrait mode, while keeping all angles and moves in mind on a low budget.It isn't just a matter of making whatever one wants. Sure, social media allows for unique expression, but if you want to be hot, you must be well-versed in current popular trends.

 Hashtags and Algorithms

How does one go to the page for you? Algorithms are being used by Instagram. To avoid false followers, the algorithms are regularly updated. When some influencers release a video, they include prominent hashtags in the description so that people who follow those hashtags can see it. The more frequently people visit, the more constant their account's reach becomes. That is why you see influencers posting on a regular basis. Instagram allows one with a public account to analyze their post and see the reach, this helps influencers to understand which content and what hashtags are proving to be more effective


Editing, video making, social media marketing, and content curation, an influencer has to do it all. Every influencer has their own objective behind their content while some want to gain popularity and wealth, for others getting acclamation on their talent is enough.

The abundance of time and lack of social interaction has also contributed to the upsurge of social media influencers in India. The lockdown enabled the students to focus on the inner artist they always wanted to explore but could not due to the pressure of studies and exams.


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