Report claims India Ahead of US and UK When it Comes to AI Readiness

30 May 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

Artificial intelligence or AI is one of the core aspects of a business's digital transformation. From informed decision-making to improved operational efficiency, AI has had a positive impact on modern businesses.

The Covid-19 pandemic puts digital transformation at the forefront and at the heart of the modern business. It provides legacy companies with the opportunity and excuses to ultimately digitize their operations and eliminate the legacy systems that prevented them.

Indian companies are significantly leading the United States and the United Kingdom when it comes to using AI in some way for their businesses. As per a report, where 84% of the businesses in India have adopted AI, the number in the US dropped to 68% and just 46% in the UK.

Another area where India is significantly leading is the number of projects adopted by companies using AI over the last five years. According to the report, Indian companies undertook an average of eight such projects with a 75% success rate.

Every 1 in 4 businesses in US companies doesn't anticipate digital transformation in the industry, dropping to 12% and 10% in India and the UK, respectively. Basically, digital transformation is getting a lot of attention from companies in India and the UK, but not so much in the US.


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