Polygon launches Web3 User IDs to Keep Personal Details Anonymous

01 Apr 2022
4 min read

News Synopsis

The new platform of Polygon is expected to simplify authentication on upcoming blockchain-based web3 platforms. This complete platform is expected to get ready by the third quarter of 2022.

Ethereum's decentralized app layer, Polygon Network, announced that its "Zero-knowledge" (ZK) digital ID platform, called Polygon ID, will be ready later this year. Polygon is working on a new ZK-proof identity solution to help users protect their privacy on the blockchain-based Web3 platform.

Polygon IDs are expected to be used by organizations and businesses for ID and trust management purposes such as KYC (Know Your Customer) and digital wallets. Basically, users can authenticate to each blockchain-based application without having to provide each one with a password or data separately.

It claims to offer more privacy when authenticating a user on a third-party service. According to its blog, Polygon ID could be a way to verify user claims when logging into Web3 services, such as identity, date of birth, DAO membership, available services and more. The Polygon ID platform is scheduled to be ready in the third quarter of 2022.


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