Netflix Adds New Section, “Artistic Expression” in its Culture Guidelines

16 May 2022
min read

News Synopsis

With a cultural policy update, streaming giant Netflix has added a section called "Artistic Expression." This section details how the company offers a variety of shows to a large audience.

In the updated part of its culture memo, Netflix has said, “We let viewers decide what’s appropriate for them, versus having Netflix censor specific artists or voice.” The streaming platform further said that it supports offering diversity in its stores, even if we find some titles counter to our own personal values. 

A Netflix spokesperson has said that it is the first time since 2017 that Netflix has updated its culture page. He also said that the company spent 18 months discussing the issue with employees. 

The new language was added, he said, “so that prospective employees could understand our position, and make better-informed decisions about whether Netflix is the right company for them or not.”

In the case of Netflix, a spokesman for the company said employees were given the opportunity to provide feedback on new cultural guidelines. He said he received over 1,000 comments that helped the company shape the new part of the memo.


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