Justin Bieber Buys Second Bored Ape

08 Feb 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

NFTs are popular among not only the general public but is also getting attention from celebrities all around the world. After many celebrities, Canadian singer, Justin Bieber has purchased a new NFT from the Bored Ape Yacht Club for $470,000 over the weekend. It is the second purchase of the pop star in two weeks. 

The new piece bought by Justin Beiber, is a caricature of a blue bandana-clad ape, wearing a bluish chequered skirt, and a green puffer jacket with a purple background. It also has diamond-like teeth that serve as a distinct feature for the NFT.

The payment for NFTs was made in ETH 166 by the pop star. Another NFT bought by Justin Bieber cost ETH 500 and showed a teary brown cloured ape standing in a new punk blue background in a simple black-coloured t-shirt. The original price of the NFT amounted to $270,908 at the time of the sale, but he bought it for a price 300% higher.

This is not the first time a celebrity has shown interest in NFTs. Earlier to Justin Bieber, several celebrities including Paris Hilton, Jimmy Fallon and Gwyneth Paltrow has bought NFTs.


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