Google to Send Air Raid Alerts to Ukrainians

12 Mar 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

Tech Giant Google in a bid to help Ukrainian citizens has started to send air raid alerts directly to Android smartphone users before expected air attacks in Ukraine. Google rolled out this feature at the request and along with the help of Ukraine's Government. Kent Walker, President of Global Affairs at Google said: "This work is supplemental to the country's existing air raid alert systems, and based on alerts already being delivered by the Ukrainian government. Tragically, millions of people in Ukraine now rely on air strike alerts to try to get to safety," These android notifications will be based on alerts sent by the government of Ukraine. Google further said that in order to help and accommodate the rising number of refugees in the region they will be developing a technology to tell the availability of accommodation in their region. Google said: "Beginning today, hotel owners in countries neighboring Ukraine can indicate on their Business Profile whether they're offering free or discounted accommodations for refugees. As we compile this information over the coming weeks, we'll make it possible for people to quickly find these places on Search and Maps."


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