Department Of Consumer Affairs Released Guidelines Called "Endorsements Know-hows!" 

07 Mar 2023
5 min read

News Synopsis

In order to prevent people from misleading their audiences while recommending products or services, the Department of Consumer Affairs has published a set of guidelines called "Endorsements Know-hows!" for celebrities and influencers on social media platforms.

The guidelines specify that language like "advertisement," "sponsored," "collaboration," or "paid promotion" may be used, and that endorsements must be conveyed in clear, relatively simple language. A person cannot recommend a product or service that they have not personally used, experienced, or for which they have not done their due diligence.

The department has noted that there is confusion regarding the appropriate disclosure word to use depending on the type of partnership. In light of this, disclaimers like "advertisement," "ad," "sponsored," "collaboration," or "partnership" may be utilized for paid or in-kind brand endorsement. The term must, however, be mentioned as a hashtag or in headline text.

The disclosures must be clearly stated, prominently displayed, and very hard to miss in the endorsement message. Disclosures shouldn't be thrown in with a bunch of links or hashtags. Disclosures for endorsements in a picture should be prominently displayed so that people may see them.

Additionally, the rules require disclosure from individuals and organizations who have access to an audience and the power to influence their audiences' purchase decisions or opinions on a product or service.


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