Android Users Scammed In SMS Fraud

27 Oct 2021
6 min read

News Synopsis

A wide range of apps has managed to scam users into signing up for the premium SMS subscription service. This resulted in the users getting the messages of charges that they need to pay for the premium package of the application. It includes a number of fake applications like Custom Keyboards, QR Code Scanners, Video and Editing apps, and camera filters applications.

The ads for these applications are usually posted on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Once the user installs the app, it asks for the mobile number or E-mail address of the user, along with this it also gets access to the location and IMEI number of the user. Vavra, from the threat operations team of security, has said that the sole purpose of these apps is to get the user to subscribe to the premium package. 

To stay away from these scams, users are warned not to download and install the third-party application on their device and do not enter all the information that can be used to scam you in the application. Verva has also said that most of the victims of the scam seem to be children.


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