Ad pop-ups within apps might disappear in the future

25 Jul 2022
6 min read

News Synopsis

One of the most well-liked ways for developers to make money off their creations is by selling advertising space on mobile apps. However, excessive ad exposure can harm user experience. Even worse, some ad modules put users at risk by displaying links to nefarious or dishonest websites.

Prior to being routed to the device, the blocking technology that is frequently used filters all traffic through remote servers. An innovation created by the cybersecurity company Kaspersky makes the process less difficult. For its "System and method of blocking advertising on computing devices," the US Patent and Trademark Office has already granted a patent. Unlike conventional techniques, this one does not shorten the device's battery life or increase traffic consumption.

The Kaspersky solution operates on the device locally. As a result, the main drawbacks of ad-blocking services using virtual private networks—speed reductions in the app, higher data transmission costs, and related battery drain—are eliminated (VPN). The new technology recognises requests to ad providers from traffic flow on the device by using DNS (Domain Name System) requests of IP addresses. The application's DNS request is blocked if it pertains to an ad provider, and the user is not shown the advertisement.


TWN In-Focus