A Taiwan Chip Manufacturing Company, Aims For Zero Emmissions By The Year 2050

18 Sep 2021
7 min read

News Synopsis

The recent UN report opened everyone’s eyes towards the rising temperature and the overall rotten state of our environment. The climate crisis is real and it is going to affect us all in more ways than we can imagine. Thankfully after the UN made its reports public, there was a much-needed outrage amongst the general public. Since we were all under this false impression that much was being done by governments and corporations to battle the climate crisis. But this report broke all those notions. Governments and corporations are being asked tough questions and are finally being held accountable for the state of our planet.

After much hue and cry, many corporations have pledged to work towards building a sustainable future. Among them is Tawain’s chip manufacturer TMSC. TMSC is the world’s largest chip-maker and prides itself on being the manufacturer for companies such as Apple, Qualcomm, etc. Their executives made this announcement in a bid to pave way for other large corporations to take similar measures to reduce their carbon emissions. TMSC’s decision was highly praised by environmental activists but only time will tell if the corporation is able to achieve this goal or not. 


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