Why You Should Learn A New Language

07 Oct 2021
8 min read

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Learning a new language is the melting pot of all things good when it comes to filler activities for people in place of their social lives. A skill that covers all bases- personal, professional, and academic.#ThinkwithNiche


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Continuous lockdown and quarantines have bored people out of their minds. And most people are looking for things apart from work to engage themselves in. But most of these things are not quite productive and can further add to the lethargy one might feel being homebound. However, learning a new language can definitely be a productive and intellectually stimulating way to engage yourself in. 

As a result of new information being fed to one's brain in the process of learning a new language, it boosts the brain's power by pushing it out of its comfort zone. A study by Pompey Fabre, a University in Spain, shows that multilingual people are much more aware of their surroundings and are quick to catch onto what is irrelevant and what is not. In addition to this, it keeps the brain sharper for longer periods of time as the brain is forced to learn something it is not adept at. Consequently, it lowers the chances of a person suffering from illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer's in old age.

This one is quite predictable. The more languages you know, the higher are your chances of being able to connect with people. Since learning a language comes with understanding their culture as well, this helps people connect on a human level wherein they share common interests and knowledge. Resultantly, it increases the perspectives from which you view life and makes you an open-minded person. 

Not only is learning a new language a personal hobby/choice, but it also seeps into your professional development as resumes do cover the languages you know. To employers, this showcases open-mindedness, a desire for learning, and a more global perspective. Furthermore, being fluent in a language can increase your job prospects and help you venture out into different territories and regions of the world. 

Learning a new language is the melting pot of all things good when it comes to filler activities for people in place of their social lives. A skill that covers all bases- personal, professional, and academic.

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