Ways Of How To Make Money With YouTube Just Like Any Other YouTube Influencers

23 Sep 2021
7 min read

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Are you addicted when it comes to making videos but do not know how to put them under monetization? Here are a few of the ways through which you can make money via YouTube.#ThinkWithNiche


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When a Youtube influencer starts their youtube channel, there are a few norms and regulations that highly need to be kept under consideration. These creators need to reach 4000 watch hours in a year along with 1000 subscribers to get started with the partnership program.
People who work as a social media influencer are normal people just like us but their effort and dedication towards their work makes them stand out from the crowd. Their audience makes sure to follow and understand what they are offering through their videos. This also attracts brands who make sure to pay these influencers to promote their products.
Here is the list through which you can curate money from Youtube with ease.


During the old days, anybody could sign up to make money on this platform but Youtube changed its way by introducing Youtube Partner Program in January 2018. As per Google support, if a channel makes sure to reach 4000 watch hours in a year with 1000 subscribers then it will be added under Youtube’s Partner Program.
This Program allows the creators to make money on this vast platform. YouTubers make sure to make money with the offers presented to them via Advertisement. Advertisement played in the middle of the video are put in exchange for money.
Money-making through ads have still been the pivotal way when it comes to making a smooth channel. It helps in generating ad revenue on the videos as well.

Sponsorships And Affiliate Links

This is another highest way of making money. Youtube provides partnerships with brands so if you are interested and have engaging followers that rely on you, there will be several brands who would like to make you endorse their products or services.
Celebrities make money through brand endorsements. This is executed through the content creation which is published and promoted to the followers and audience watching them.
A whole video can be created based on the brand that has sponsored you.  Sponsorship helps you to get paid to become the voice of their brand. The only thing they want you is to put the detailing of their product or services in your desired content.
While partnering with the brand, money-making can also be executed through affiliate links. Here you receive a certain amount of commission every time a viewer clicks the given link or purchases a product.


If you desire Youtube to pay you, the payment depends on the impression you have made among your followers. To be precise, if a channel has reached views of 10000, you have earned the loophole to get paid. The more views you get the more money you receive.


There are numerous normal people who have made their fortune by using Youtube. Many of them make sure to hit where their audience loves the most thus engaging the audience in their content. If you have the zeal to present yourself to the world or present your talent or passion, Youtube is the best platform to showcase along with earning cash at a flow.

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